
EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that connects to Alibaba Cloud services, custom applications, and SaaS applications as a centralized hub. EventBridge can also use the CloudEvents 1.0 specification to route events among these services and applications. EventBridge helps you build loosely coupled and distributed event-driven architectures.


Standardization and Ecosystem

• Compatible with the CloudEvents 1.0 specification.
• Native support for CloudEvents SDKs and APIs.
• Integrated with open-source communities.
For more information, please see CloudEvents 1.0.

Ease of Use

• Provides a pay-as-you-go, fully-managed serverless service so that you do not need to evaluate any compute workloads in advance.
• Supports multiple access methods, including the EventBridge console, APIs, and SDKs.
• Connects to multiple applications, including Alibaba Cloud services, custom applications, and third-party SaaS applications. (Under development)

High Availability and Reliability

Service Availability: Region-specific, cross-zone distributed cluster deployment provides powerful disaster recovery capabilities and delivers up to 99.95% service availability.
Data Reliability: Adopts a multi-replica redundancy mechanism and fast failover to ensure 99.99999999% data reliability.

Security /Event Observability and Governance

• Implements access control for every request to ensure data security.
• Supports Alibaba Cloud accounts, RAM accounts, RAM access control policies, Security Token Service (STS), and HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
• Supports event query, audit, and full-link tracking to ensure event observability.
• Provides event governance capabilities and supports event flow control, event replay, and event retry policies. (Under development)

Associated Toolchain

• Provides an event Schema registry.
• Automatic Schema generation and validation. (Under development)
• IDE plug-in support. (Under development)


Resource Management

Delivers robust resource management.

Event Bus

Provides comprehensive event bus management, including creating, updating, and querying events.

Event Rules

Provides comprehensive event rule management, including creating, updating, and querying event rules, and enabling or disabling these rules.

Event Processing

Supports the transmission, filtering, routing, and retry of events.

Event Sources

Supports various types of event sources, including sources of control flow events and data flow events.

Alibaba Cloud Product Events

Supports an ever-growing range of events from Alibaba Cloud services.

Customized Events

Allows you to customize events.

SaaS Events

Supports third-party SaaS events to connect cloud products and users. (Under development)

Event Targets

Routes events to various types of targets in different event processing scenarios.

Alibaba Cloud Products

Routes the events of Alibaba Cloud services such as Message Service, Function Compute, and CloudMonitor to targets.

HTTP Gateway

Processes HTTP/HTTPS-based web gateway events.

Cross-Network Push

Pushes cross-region and cross-cloud events.

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