
Alipay Technology

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mPaaS: Reconstructing User Experience with Technology

This blog introduces Alipay's mPaaS and share how it helped China's Ministry of Transportation to cope with massive demands during the Spring Festival travel rush.

Integrating Distributed Architecture with Cloud Native: Best Practices by Ant Financial

In this post, we'll be sharing the practices of building a cloud-native application PaaS architecture at Ant Financial's digital classroom.

Ant Financial's Innovations and Practices in Online Graph Computing

This article explores the importance of online graph computing capabilities for SMEs, and introduces Ant Financial's financial-grade graph database, GeaBase.

Ant Financial Applies AI in Financial Sector

This article outlines the practices at Ant Financial to promote financial intelligence through the ideology of "in-depth, considerate financial technologies" based on AI.

Double 11 Is the Proof Nothing's Impossible

In this article, Alipay engineers discuss how, after working on Double 11 for the past decade, they've learned that nothing is impossible.

OceanBase Did Better than Any Other Database in the TPC-C Benchmark

In this article, you'll see how and why OceanBase did better than any other database in the TPC-C benchmark test.

The Now and Future of Financial Data Intelligence at Ant Financial

This article outlines Ant Financial's financial data intelligence system, which is built on next-generation technology to address increasingly complex use cases.

Ant Financial's Going All in on Cloud Native

This article will talk about how Ant Financial went big on cloud native, building a finance-grade cloud-native hybrid cloud solution.

KDD 2019: A Deep Dive into Adversarial Learning on Heterogeneous Information Networks

This article looks at some topics covered in "Adversarial Learning on Heterogeneous Information Networks", a paper that was presented at KDD 2019.

Alipay Unveils AI-Powered Recycling Bin That Sorts Your Waste for You

At the Apsara Conference, Alipay unveiled a smart, AI-powered recycling bin that can help you sort trash and even reward you for using it.

Ant Blockchain BaaS, Tested in Real Business Applications

This article looks at how Ant Blockchain BaaS has reached new technology heights and has been used in dozens of real-world applications across several different industries.

Quickly Build a Cloud Native E-commerce Platform

Building off discussions during the SOFAStack Workshop at KubeCon China 2019, this article details how you can quickly build a cloud native e-commerce platform.

Latest Comments

Khan Zain Commented on mPaaS: Reconstructing User Experience with Technology

This insightful and captivating narrative beautifully captures the transformative power of technology, specifically highlighting the remarkable journey of mPaaS in reshaping user experiences across various industries. Through vivid storytelling and meticulous detail, the article portrays the challenges, triumphs, and profound impact of mPaaS, painting a vivid picture of innovation and resilience in the face of adversity. The seamless integration of historical anecdotes, technical insights, and personal accounts immerses the reader in a rich tapestry of human ingenuity and progress. Kudos to the author for crafting such an inspiring and thought-provoking piece that celebrates the boundless potential of technology to shape our world for the better.

5314130562411424 Commented on The Now and Future of Financial Data Intelligence at Ant Financial

Excellent information, this blog contains full information on financial data analytics. Thanks for sharing.

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