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Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Online Predictive Deployment for Health Monitoring

This article describes how to use the Online Predictive Deployment feature of Alibaba Cloud's Machine Learning Platform for AI (PAI) to monitor user health in real time.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Image Classification by Caffe

This article introduces Caffe deep learning framework to perform complete image classification model training on Alibaba Cloud's Machine Learning Platform for AI.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Financial Risk Control Experiment with Graph Algorithms

In this article, we will be evaluating credit scores for risk control through graph algorithm components in Alibaba Cloud's Machine Learning Platform for AI.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: News Classification Case

In this article, we will be classifying news texts through smart text mining algorithms, without using any manual tagging.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Air Quality Forecasting

This article will illustrate how to implement haze prediction tool through the Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Offline Scheduling Instructions

This article will illustrate how to implement an ad click-through rate (CTR) prediction through the Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Using Regression Algorithm to Predict Agriculture Loan Issuing

This article will illustrate how to build a loan issuing prediction algorithm using linear regression on the Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence using real data.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Student Exam Score Prediction

We will be building an academic indicator evaluation report through logistic regression on Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI to predict exam scores.

Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI: Heart Disease Prediction

This article will illustrate how to build a heart disease prediction case through the Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence using real data.

Analyzing Census Data Using Alibaba Cloud's Machine Learning Platform

This article shows you how to set up a machine learning platform with Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI to analyze census data.

Scorecard Credit Scoring on Alibaba Cloud's Machine Learning Platform

We will develop a simple credit scoring by machine learning algorithm based on credit card consumption records using Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI.

Image Classification with TensorFlow

This article introduces a method of image recognition using deep learning that can be applied to image filtering, and object detection.

Collaborative Filtering for Product Recommendation

This article describes how to use Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform for AI to make recommendations using collaborative filtering.

Using Machine Learning for Automatic Label Classification

This article will discuss the usage of Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform's (PAI) text analysis function to implement a simple automatic label classification system.

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