
Rohit Kumar

193 Reputation

Rohit Kumar is a Solution Architect working at Alibaba Cloud helping companies make best use of Alibaba Cloud capabilities to transform their businesses. He is a Computer Engineer by education and later completed his MBA from the University of Oxford.

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Automatically Extract Metadata with Function Compute and Mediainfo and Store in Table Store

In this tutorial, we'll show you how you can automatically extract media file metadata using Function Compute and Mediainfo, and store it in Table Store.

How to Manually Setup MATLAB Production Server on Alibaba Cloud

In this tutorial, we will be provisioning necessary resources to set up a MATLAB production server on Alibaba Cloud.

Create a Multi-CIDR Block VPN with IKEv1 in a Multi-Network CEN in Alibaba Cloud

In this tutorial, we will provide a solution to multi-CIDR block issue faced by many clients in setting up a multi-CIDR-block VPN using the IKEv1 Protocol as part of the CEN.

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