This series describes the capabilities of MaxCompute (ODPS V2.0) and explores how it simplifies SQL compilation and enhances the expressiveness of the language.
Part 1 of the “Unleash the Power of MaxCompute” series describes the improvements of MaxCompute in usability.
Part 2 of the “Unleash the Power of MaxCompute” series describes the basic data types and built-in functions of MaxCompute.
Part 3 of the “Unleash the Power of MaxCompute” series describes the complex type functions of MaxCompute.
Part 4 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series describes the improvements of MaxCompute in the SQL DML.
Part 5 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the support of MaxCompute for other scripting languages - SELECT TRANSFORM.
Part 6 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series describes a new feature called User Defined Type (UDT).
Part 7 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces MaxCompute's support for GROUPING SETS.
Part 9 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the improvements made by MaxCompute to address the limitations of its self-defined functions.
Part 9 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the script mode and parameterized views of MaxCompute.
Part 10 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the script mode and parameterized views of MaxCompute.
Part 11 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the features and use of QUALIFY Clause.
This article introduces the new syntax supported by MaxCompute - PIVOT/UNPIVOT.
This article introduces the support of Global Z-Order in MaxCompute.
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