Get to know our MVPs better and learn what inspires them through our series of MVP stories.
In this blog, Alibaba MVP Nestor Campos talks about his beginnings with cloud computing and his journey with Alibaba Cloud.
In this blog, Alibaba MVP Chirag Nayyar shares his personal experience with cloud computing and his journey to becoming an Alibaba Cloud MVP.
In this blog, MVP Pablo Puig talks about the benefits of becoming an MVP his recent efforts and success in building a Spanish community for Alibaba Cloud.
In this blog post, MVP Léon Rodenburg discusses how Alibaba Cloud has helped him and his clients in their journey to expanding their businesses in China.
In this blog, MVP Anjani Kumar discusses how Alibaba Cloud and MultiCloud4U can help enterprises adopt a digital transformation strategy.
In this blog, MVP Then Arifin shares his experience of developing face recognition system and his perspectives on the role of AI and utilizing cloud native with Alibaba Cloud.
In this blog post, MVP Afzaal shares his experience using Alibaba Cloud and discusses how our products and the MVP program have helped him so far.
In this blog, MVP and blockchain expert Sylvester Lee will share his story about what makes FiiiPay one of the fastest and most reliable crypto wallet in Asia.
In this blog post, MVP Alberto Roura shares his experience with building Cirrus Audit, a purely serverless cloud resource optimization tool, on Alibaba Cloud.
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