Big Data

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 10, 2024

Each week, we compile the hottest and most impactful topics. Let’s take a look at the tenth episode of Blogs of the Week in 2024.

Hands-on Labs | Get Started with Flink MySQL Connector in 5 Minutes

This step-by-step tutorial introduces how to get started with Flink MySQL Connector in 5 minutes.

Use Kibana for Querying and Visualizing SLS Data

This article introduces how to use Kibana to connect to the SLS ES-compatible API for query and analysis.

Technical Principle of Hologres Binlog

This article describes an overview of the implementation principles and best practices of Hologres Binlog.

Hologres Technology: Extreme Analysis Performance of JSON Semi-structured Data

This article describes the technical principles of Hologres' JSONB semi-structured data and highlights the exceptional analysis performance of JSON semi-structured data.

Introduction to MaxCompute's Unified Near Real-time Data Processing Architecture

This article introduces how the new offline near real-time integrated architecture based on MaxCompute supports comprehensive business scenarios.

In-depth Application of Flink in Ant Group Real-time Feature Store

This article is based on the keynote speech on AI feature engineering given by ZHAO Liangxingyun, a senior technical expert of Ant Group, during Flink Forward Asia 2023.

Life of an SQL Task

This article outlines the SQL statement execution process, offering insights and guidance for newcomers to big data development.

Data Lake for Stream Computing: The Evolution of Apache Paimon

Uncover the advancements from Apache Hive to Hudi and Iceberg in stream computing, as our expert navigates the transformative landscape of real-time data lakes.

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 9, 2024

Each week, we compile the hottest and most impactful topics. Let’s take a look at the ninth episode of Blogs of the Week in 2024.

Understand Flink SQL: Real-Time SQL Query Execution for Stream and Batch Data

Discover Flink SQL, the high-level API for executing SQL queries across streaming and batch data sets in Apache Flink.

Change Data Capture (CDC) Made Easy- A Step-by-Step Guide with Debezium and Kafka

This article provides a detailed guide on implementing Change Data Capture (CDC) using Debezium and ApsaraMQ for Apache Kafka

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 8, 2024

Welcome to the eighth episode of Blogs of the Week in 2024, where we feature the most influential and trending topics from recent weeks.

Apache Flink Has Become the De Facto Standard for Stream Computing

This article is based on a keynote speech given by WANG Feng, initiator of Apache Flink Community China and head of Open-Source Big Data Platform at Alibaba Cloud, at Flink Forward Asia 2023.

Unleash the Power of Big Data with DataWorks: A Comprehensive Development and Governance Platform

This article provides an overview of DataWorks and describes how it can enhance your data operations.

DataV: Your Gateway to Powerful and Accessible Data Visualization

This article provides an overview of DataV, highlighting its core features, key benefits, standout functions, and its role as a powerful tool.

Better Performance and Cost-effectiveness: Migrating the Self-built ELK to SLS

The article outlines the basic capabilities of SLS and compares them with the self-built open-source ELK, highlighting the significant advantages of SLS over open-source ELK.

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 7, 2024

Welcome to the seventh episode of Blogs of the Week in 2024, where we feature the most influential and trending topics from recent weeks.

Apache Flink Tutorial: Master Real-time Data Processing

Ready to dive into real-time data processing? Learn Apache Flink basics & set up with Alibaba Cloud's Realtime Compute for Apache Flink.

What is Apache Paimon?

Discover Apache Paimon: the solution for real-time data processing, seamlessly integrating Flink & Spark for streaming & batch operations.