Big Data

Flash: A Next-gen Vectorized Stream Processing Engine Compatible with Apache Flink

This article is based on a presentation by Mr. Wang Feng (nickname: Mowen), senior director at Alibaba Cloud and head of the open source big data de.

Application of Flink dynamic CEP at Bank of Hangzhou

This article by Bank of Hangzhou's big data engineers discusses Dynamic Flink Complex Event Processing (CEP), highlighting its key concepts, financial use cases, and underlying technologies.

The Past, Present, and Future of Apache Flink

This article is based on the keynote speech given by Feng Wang, Head of the Open Data Platform at Alibaba Cloud, at Flink Forward Asia in Jakarta 2024.

FlinkSQL Temporary Join Development

The article introduces the use of temporary joins in real-time development for matching traffic logs with product attributes.

A Guide to Preventing Fraud Detection in Real-Time with Apache Flink

Prevent fraud detection delays with Apache Flink's real-time processing and Complex Event Processing.

Real-Time Analytics with Alibaba Cloud: High-Performance Data Warehousing

In this demo, we'll guide you through creating a high-performance, cost-effective data warehouse solution for real-time analytics.

Data + AI Assists in Intelligent Analysis of Game Logs

This article describes how to use the Data and AI solution of Alibaba Cloud to address challenges and stimulate the vitality of the gaming industry.

DMS + AnalyticDB Helps E-commerce Enterprises Make Decisions to Address Seven Major Challenges

This article focuses on the pain points of the e-commerce industry and discusses how to revitalize the e-commerce industry by using the Data + AI solution and the data analysis methodology.

Data + AI: Core Driving Force for Intelligent Transformation of Enterprises

This article describes the importance and role of the Data + AI platform in the intelligent transformation of enterprises.

Implementing CDC to MaxCompute with Apache Flink: A Case Study

This article is based on the keynote speech delivered by Fajar Tontowi, Lead Data Engineer for Ingestion and Analytics at Mekari, at Flink Forward Asia in Jakarta 2024.

Vector search using Alibaba Cloud inference API and semantic text

In this article, we will introduce how to set up and use Aliyun's Text Generation, Reordering, Sparse Vector and Dense Vector services in Elasticsearch to improve search relevance.

알리바바 클라우드 Elasticsearch 서비스 완벽 가이드

알리바바 클라우드 Elasticsearch 서비스 완벽 가이드 abstract : 본 블로그는 알리바바 클라우드의 Elasticsearch 서비스에 대한 소개와 배포 가이드를 제공합니다.

Harnessing Streaming Data for AI-Driven Applications with Apache Flink

Discover how to harness streaming data for AI-driven applications using Apache Flink, based on insights from the Flink Forward Asia 2024 keynote by Ashish Sharma and Ganireddy Jyothi Swaroop.

Streaming processing vs. Batch processing: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Approach

This blog is written by Wencong Liu, a senior engineer of Alibaba Cloud's Realtime Compute for Apache Flink team.

Why Fluss? Top 4 Challenges of Using Kafka for Real-Time Analytics

Jark Wu Creator of Fluss project The industry is undergoing a clear and significant shift as big data computing transitions from offline to real-time processing.

Evolution of Text-to-SQL Technology - An Analysis of Alibaba Cloud OpenSearch-SQL

This article mainly introduces the latest development and technical details of Alibaba Cloud OpenSearch in Text-to-SQL tasks.

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 16, 2024

Each week, we compile the hottest and most impactful topics. Let’s take a look at the sixteenth episode of Blogs of the Week in 2024.

Big Data User Profiling Solution Based on Lindorm

This article starts from the business characteristics of user profiling, providing a comprehensive and multi-angle analysis of why Lindorm is a suitable choice for user profiling.

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 15, 2024

Each week, we compile the hottest and most impactful topics. Let’s take a look at the fifteenth episode of Blogs of the Week in 2024.

Alibaba Cloud Shares New Features of Apache Flink 2.0 at Flink Forward Asia

Alibaba Cloud highlighted the innovative features of the forthcoming Apache Flink 2.0 at Flink Forward Asia in Jakarta.