Stream Processing

What is Apache Flink ?

Learn about Apache Flink, a distributed data processing engine for real-time analytics. Explore its features, use cases, and comparisons with other frameworks like Kafka and Spark.

Understanding Stream Processing: Real-Time Data Analysis and Use Cases

Learn about stream processing, its applications, challenges, and Alibaba Cloud's Realtime Compute for Apache Flink solution for real-time data analysis.

Complex Event Processing (CEP): A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the power of Complex Event Processing (CEP) in deciphering real-time cause-and-effect relationships from diverse data streams.

What is Batch Processing ?

Batch processing is a method of handling data where transactions are collected over a period and processed together as a group, or batch.

Announcement of the Release of Apache Flink 1.18

The Apache Flink PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Flink 1.18.0. As usual, we are looking at a packed release with a wide variety of improvements and new features.

RocketMQ Schema – Make Messages Streaming Structured Data

This article explains the importance of Schema, its architecture, and more.

RocketMQ Connect Builds a Streaming Data Processing Platform

This article introduces RocketMQ Connect and its features, components, and benefits.

Announcement of the Release of Apache Flink 1.17

Apache Flink, a leading stream processing standard, has released version 1.17.0, which includes new features and improvements.

Apache Flink Table Store 0.3.0 Release Announcement

The Apache Flink community has released version 0.3.0 of the Flink Table Store, which includes many new features and improvements.

An Overview of Kafka Distributed Message System

This blog provides an in-depth overview of the Kafka messaging system along with a walkthrough of its various models and techniques.

RocketMQ 5.0: Exploration and Practice of Stateless Proxy Mode

This article discusses RocketMQ operation status, pain points, and stateless proxy mode.

The Evolution of RocketMQ 5.0 API and SDK

This article discusses the evolution of RocketMQ 5.0, including the new unified API, implementation, observability, and metrics.

Storage Enhancements for Apache RocketMQ 5.0 in Stream Scenarios

This article discusses some background information and the three storage enhancements of Apache RocketMQ 5.0.

Analysis of RocketMQ-Streams Architecture Design

This article will analyze the RocketMQ-Streams construction and data forwarding procedure from the perspective of source code.

Improving speed and stability of checkpointing with generic log-based incremental checkpoints

In this article, we discuss several ways to improve the speed and stability of checkpointing with generic log-based incremental checkpoints.

Evolution of the Real-time Data Warehouses of the Alibaba Search and Recommendation Data Platform

This article shares the results of explorations into real-time data warehouses focusing on the evolution and best practices for data warehouses based on Apache Flink and Hologres.

Flink Course Series (2): Stream Processing with Apache Flink

This article describes stream processing with Apache Flink from three different aspects.

Building a Cloud-Native Feed Streaming System with Apache Kafka and Spark on Alibaba Cloud – Part A: Service Setup

In this 3-part blog series, we'll show you how to build a simple, intelligent, cloud-native feed streaming system with Apache Kafka and Spark on Alibaba Cloud.

Building a Cloud-Native Feed Streaming System with Apache Kafka and Spark on Alibaba Cloud – Part B: Streaming Processing

In this 3-part blog series, we'll show you how to build a simple, intelligent, cloud-native feed streaming system with Apache Kafka and Spark on Alibaba Cloud.

The New Major Features of Flink 1.11.0

One of the release managers of Flink 1.11.0 shares his deep insights into the long-awaited features and explains them from different perspectives.