
Blogs of the Week – Ep. 6, 2024

Each week, we compile the hottest and most impactful topics. Let’s take a look at the sixth episode of Blogs of the Week in 2024.

Discover Personalized Recommendations with Alibaba Cloud AIRec

This article introduces the key features and Benefits of Alibaba Cloud AIRec.

AI Container Image Deployment: Stable Diffusion

This article introduces how to quickly build a personal text-based image generation service based on Alibaba Cloud AMD servers and OpenAnolis AI container service.

AI Container Image Deployment: Qwen-Audio-Chat

This article introduces how to quickly build an AI voice assistant service based on Alibaba Cloud AMD servers and OpenAnolis AI container service.

AI Container Image Deployment: Qwen-VL-Chat

This article introduces how to quickly build a personal AI vision assistant service based on Alibaba Cloud AMD servers and OpenAnolis AI container service.

Intelligent Speech Interaction: Transforming Human-Computer Interaction

The article provides an overview of Alibaba Cloud's Intelligent Speech Interaction, highlighting its potential to transform human-computer interaction.

Enhance E-commerce with Alibaba's Advanced Machine Translation Service

The article introduces Alibaba Translate, a machine translation service leveraging advanced natural language processing and deep learning technologies.

AI 혁명의 점화 - RAG 및 LangChain과의 여정

이 글은 검색 증강 생성(RAG)과 LangChain의 혁신적인 개념을 탐구하면서 독자들에게 혁신적인 AI 혁명의 여정에 대한 통찰력 있는 탐험을 안내합니다.

Alibaba Cloud Pilots AI Coding Assistant to Help Employees Write Code

Alibaba Cloud said this week that it’s using an AI-powered programming assistant to help developers at the company with coding.

[Infographic] Tech for Innovation | Alibaba Cloud Spring Launch 2024

To foster long-term AI growth, Alibaba Cloud is reducing the cost of essential public cloud products for international customers.

Руководство по развертыванию модели чата Qwen с помощью HuggingFace

в данной статье рассматривается процесс преобразования генеративного ИИ и LLM (больших языковых моделей).

Learning about AIACC-AGSpeed | AGSpeed Performance Data

This article describes the performance data of AIACC-AGSpeed (AGSpeed) in training models.

Learning about AIACC-AGSpeed | Install and Use AGSpeed

This article describes how to install and use AGSpeed.

Learning about AIACC-ACSpeed | AIACC-ACSpeed Training Demo

This article describes how to quickly run distributed model training by using ACSpeed and shows the performance improvement effect.

Learning about AIACC-Training | Use AIACC-Training for TensorFlow

This article describes how to use AIACC-Training for TensorFlow.

Learning about AIACC-Training | Startup Commands and Environment Variables

This article describes the startup commands and the environment variables in AIACC-Training.

Learning about AIACC-Training | Use AIACC-Training for MXNet

This article describes how to use AIACC-Training for MXNet.

Learning about AIACC-Training | Use AIACC-Training for PyTorch

This article describes how to use AIACC-Training to accelerate distributed training by using models that are built based on PyTorch.

Learning about AIACC-Training | Install AIACC-Training

This article describes how to install AIACC-Training 1.5.0.

Learning about AIACC-ACSpeed | Install and Use AIACC-ACSpeed

This article describes how to install and use AIACC-ACSpeed V1.1.0.