Apache Iceberg

Introduction to Unified Batch and Stream Processing of Apache Flink

Unified batch and stream processing of Flink is a well-established concept in the stream computing field.

Apache Paimon: Streaming Lakehouse is Coming

This article is based on the keynote speeches given by LI Jinsong, WU Xiangping, DI Xingxing, and WANG Yunpeng during Flink Forward Asia 2023.

Data Lake for Stream Computing: The Evolution of Apache Paimon

Uncover the advancements from Apache Hive to Hudi and Iceberg in stream computing, as our expert navigates the transformative landscape of real-time data lakes.

What is Apache Paimon?

Discover Apache Paimon: the solution for real-time data processing, seamlessly integrating Flink & Spark for streaming & batch operations.

How to Analyze CDC Data in Iceberg Data Lake Using Flink

This article discusses the challenges and limitations of various solutions in CDC data analysis and describes how to use Flink and Iceberg to overcome them.

Flink + Iceberg: How to Construct a Whole-scenario Real-time Data Warehouse

In this article, the author explains building a real-time data warehouse using Apache Flink and Apache Iceberg.

Apache Iceberg 0.11.0: Features and Deep Integration with Flink

In this article, the author discusses how Apache Flink and Apache Iceberg have opened a new chapter in building a data lake architecture featuring stream-batch unification.

Building an Enterprise-Level Real-Time Data Lake Based on Flink and Iceberg

This article explains real-time data lakes based on Apache Flink and Apache Iceberg.