Serverless Application Engine

Serverless Exploration of the TapTap Algorithm Platform

This article introduces TapTap and explores how the company uses Serverless technology.

Circles Technology: Quickly Build a Smart Marketing Platform Based on Serverless

This short article briefly introduces Circles Technology and explains how they use Serverless technology to build smart cloud application systems.

App Deploy as Code! SAE and Terraform Combine to Implement IaC-Style Application Deployment

This article explains the convenience IaC and SAE brings to enterprises.

How Does an Open-Source Workflow Engine Support an Enterprise-Level Serverless Architecture

This article describes how to use KubeVela Workflow to upgrade the architecture of SAE and interprets multiple practice scenarios.

Embracing Openness: The Next Step of the Serverless Era

This article discusses the current standing in the Serverless era and how the Serverless era will progress in the coming years.