Alibaba Cloud Tianchi

JPIC-FSGM Indonesia: A Medium for Women and Children

This project is from Sulistiyono, which was awarded with the Second Prize in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Congratulations to the Winners of Re-Cloud Challenges 2022!

The Re-Cloud Challenges 2022 has just concluded, and we are pleased to announce the final winners of this competition.

Sahfira App: A Personal CRM to Organize Social Interactions

This project is from Umar Hadi Siswanto, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Cliste: An Online Book Store

This project is from Sidik Ali, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Project Showcase | Adelie Studio

This project is from Sandi Pratama, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Statioon: Selected Tools and Additional Resources for Students

This project is from Sadam Alfian Pradana, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

KitaSehat: Information Center for Health

This project is from Muhammad Saleh Solahudin, which was awarded with the First Prize in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

RecordIn: An Online Screen Recording Website

This project is from Ahmad Nurfadilah, which was awarded with the Second Prize in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Project Showcase | Ricky Romansyah Web Portfolio

This project is from Ricky Romansyah, which was awarded with the Third Prize in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Project Showcase | Be Ready for Your Next Re-visit to Bali

This project is from Causen Indra, which was awarded with the Third Prize in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

ILANGIN: Remove The Background for Your Images with One Click

This project is from Muhamad Ali Ridho, which was awarded with the Third Prize in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

ToGather: Free Video Conferencing

This project is from Ahmad Rifai, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Tuner Now: Tune Your Guitar Now

This project is from Akhmad Rifki Maulana, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Digiwork: Find A Job That Matches Your Passion

This project is from Angelina Nataly Dhian, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Tekno Watercolor: All about Painting in Water Color

This project is from Dhian Prameswara, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Project Showcase | Toko Luwid

This project is from Rizki Yuwanda, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Project Showcase | Narapikarya

This project is from Ahmad Ridlo Fadlli Robbi, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.