Flink CDC

Implementing CDC to MaxCompute with Apache Flink: A Case Study

This article is based on the keynote speech delivered by Fajar Tontowi, Lead Data Engineer for Ingestion and Analytics at Mekari, at Flink Forward Asia in Jakarta 2024.

Apache Paimon: Streaming Lakehouse is Coming

This article is based on the keynote speeches given by LI Jinsong, WU Xiangping, DI Xingxing, and WANG Yunpeng during Flink Forward Asia 2023.

Technical Principle of Hologres Binlog

This article describes an overview of the implementation principles and best practices of Hologres Binlog.

What is Change Data Capture (CDC)?

Change Data Capture (CDC) detects and captures data changes as they occur in source systems, such as databases or applications.

The Next Step of Flink CDC

This article is based on a keynote speech given by Jark Wu, head of Flink SQL and Flink CDC at Alibaba Cloud, during Flink Forward Asia 2023.

Flink CDC 3.0| A Next-generation Real-time Data Integration Framework

Flink CDC 3.0 is a cutting-edge framework for real-time data integration, offering an efficient, scalable CDC solution with Apache Flink.

Lakehouse: AnalyticDB for MySQL Ingests Data from Multiple Tables to Data Lakes with Flink CDC + Hudi

This article explores how AnalyticDB for MySQL uses Apache Hudi to ingest complete and incremental data from multiple CDC tables into data lakes.

One-Click Database Synchronization from MongoDB to Paimon Using Flink CDC

This article explores the process of achieving one-click database synchronization from MongoDB to Paimon using Flink CDC.

StarRocks x Flink CDC for End-to-End Real-Time Links

This article discusses real-time data warehouse construction and offers examples of using Flink CDC and StarRocks for real-time links and data updates.

More Than Computing: A New Era Led by the Warehouse Architecture of Apache Flink

Mowen discusses the future of Apache Flink regarding its core capabilities of stream computing and improving the processing standards of the entire industry.