
จุดประกายปฏิวัติ AI - การเดินทางร่วมกับ RAG และ LangChain

บทความนี้จะพาผู้อ่านไปสำรวจเจาะลึกเกี่ยวกับเส้นทางการปฏิวัติ AI โดยเจาะลึกแนวคิดการปฏิวัติของ Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) และ LangChain

AI 혁명의 점화 - RAG 및 LangChain과의 여정

이 글은 검색 증강 생성(RAG)과 LangChain의 혁신적인 개념을 탐구하면서 독자들에게 혁신적인 AI 혁명의 여정에 대한 통찰력 있는 탐험을 안내합니다.

Руководство по развертыванию модели чата Qwen с помощью HuggingFace

в данной статье рассматривается процесс преобразования генеративного ИИ и LLM (больших языковых моделей).

Building Multimodal Services with Qwen and Model Studio

This article describes how to implement multimodal AI using Alibaba Cloud's Model Studio, Qwen-Audio, Qwen-VL, Qwen-Agent, and OpenSearch (LLM-Based C.

나만의 AI 채팅 친구 배포하기 - HuggingFace가 포함된 Qwen Chat 모델 배포 가이드

이 글에서는 생성형 AI와 LLM(거대언어모델)의 혁신적인 여정에 대해 자세히 살펴봅니다.

Déployer votre propre compagnon de chat IA - Déploiement du modèle de chat Qwen avec le guide HuggingFace

Cet article explore le parcours de transformation de l'IA générative et du LLM (Grand modèle de langage).

Despliegue su propio compañero de chat con IA: El despliegue del modelo de chat Qwen con la guía HunngingFace

En este artículo se describe el proceso transformador de la IA generativa y los modelos de lenguaje grandes (Large Language Model, LLM).

Terapkan Teman Obrolan AI Anda Sendiri - Penerapan Model Obrolan Qwen dengan Panduan HuggingFace

Artikel ini mendalami perjalanan transformatif AI Generatif dan LLM (Model Bahasa Besar).

Alibaba Cloud PAIの高度なLLMとLangChainの機能による生成AIの強化

本記事では、AIの能力をLangchainとLLMと組み合わせたAlibaba Cloud PAIというプラットフォームについて紹介します。

Streamlined Deployment and Integration of Large Language Models with PAI-EAS

This article provides a comprehensive guide on deploying a large language model (LLM) application using the Platform for AI - Elastic Algorithm Service.

Alibaba Cloud Showcased How Artificial Intelligence Can Reshape Retail During 2023's 11.11

Nowhere was there a bigger display of AI than during the world's largest retail event, where large language models powered shopping.

Empowering Generative AI with Alibaba Cloud PAI's Advanced LLM and LangChain Features

This article introduces Alibaba Cloud PAI, a platform that combines AI capabilities with Langchain and LLM to revolutionize the field of Generative AI.

Unleashing Creativity Exploring the Power of Generative AI on Cloud

Earlier this month, Alibaba Cloud Indonesia launched a new community group for partners, Alibaba Cloud Indonesia Digital Tech Ecosystem community, whe...

OpenSearch: A One Stop Solution to Easily Integrate LLM Generative AI in Your Application

To create intelligent search, OpenSearch is a one-stop Solution as a Service (SaaS) technology that is applicable to industry-specific search scenario.

Cloud-native AI Engineering Practice: Accelerating LLM Inference with FasterTransformer

This article demonstrates how to use FasterTransformer to accelerate inference on the ACK container service, using the Bloom7B1 model as an example.

KServe + Fluid Accelerates Big Model Inference

This article explores how to implement the KServe big model inference in Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK).

DingTalk Empowers Digital Transformation with AI Work Assistant

The latest version of DingTalk is equipped with an AI assistant powered by Alibaba Cloud's large model Tongyi Qianwen.

Alibaba Integrates LLM Tongyi Qianwen into Taobao to Refine E-commerce Searches For Users

Alibaba Group integrated a generative-AI powered personal assistant across the consumer-to-consumer marketplace Taobao.

Large Language Models (LLMs): The Driving Force Behind AI's Language Processing Abilities

This article explores how large language models (LLMs) use deep learning algorithms to create contextual data from user inputs and automate tasks with high efficiency.

Langkah-langkah Penggunaan Llama2 sebagai Large Language Model (LLM) dan VectorDB AnalyticDB di Alibaba Cloud

Pemanfaatan Generative AI untuk bisnis dengan solusi cloud yang lebih efisien dan cost effective