
Fine-Tuning a Llama3-8B Model in PAI DSW

This article describes how to fine-tune the parameters of a Llama 3 model in DSW to enable the model to better align with and adapt to specific scenarios.

Use QuickStart to Fine-Tune and Deploy Llama 2 Models

This article uses llama-2-7b-chat as an example to describe how to use QuickStart to deploy a model as a service in Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS) and call the service.

Quickly Deploy a Llama 3 Model in EAS

This article describes how to quickly deploy a Llama 3 model and use the deployed web application in Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS) of Platform for AI (PAI).

Quickly Deploy Open Source LLMs in EAS

This article describes how to deploy an LLM in EAS and call the model.

Quickly Deploy Tongyi Qianwen in EAS

This article describes how to deploy a web application based on the open source model Tongyi Qianwen and perform model inference on the web page or using API operations in EAS of PAI.

Deploy a Hugging Face Model in EAS

This article describes how to deploy a Hugging Face model in PAI EAS.