
Alibaba Cloud Native Community

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Application Monitoring eBPF Edition: Non-intrusive Application Monitoring of the Golang Microservice

This article introduces the importance of monitoring microservices in modern software architecture, and highlights the eBPF edition of application monitoring.

Higress's New WASM Runtime Greatly Improves Performance

This article introduces the latest progress of Higress in switching the runtime of Wasm plug-in from V8 to WAMR.

Decipher the Knative's Open-Source Serverless Framework: Traffic Perspective

This article describes Knative's traffic management, traffic access, traffic-based elasticity, and monitoring.

Accelerating Large Language Model Inference: High-performance TensorRT-LLM Inference Practices

This article introduces how TensorRT-LLM improves the efficiency of large language model inference by using quantization, in-flight batching, attention, and graph rewriting.

Writing Flink SQL for Weakly Structured Logs: Leveraging SLS SPL

This article describes how to use SLS SPL (Structured Programming Language) to configure the SLS Connector to structure data.

Hello, iLogtail 2.0!

The article discusses the limitations of the existing iLogtail architecture and collection configuration and introduces the new features in iLogtail 2.

Alibaba Group's Practice of Accelerating Large Model Training Based on Fluid

This article discusses the significant role of Fluid with JindoCache in the large-scale model training within Alibaba Group.

Use the aggregator_context Plug-in to Enable Contextual Query and LiveTail

This article introduces how to use the aggregator_context plug-in to maintain the context of logs and how to query the context in the console.

Application of Kubernetes Operators in Log Collectors

This article investigates the application scenarios and architectures of Kubernetes operators in various log collectors.

Best Practice for Shard-Memory of GameServers

This article focuses on the shared memory usage of containerized game servers and provide best practices.

Best Practice for Gaming Gateway of Higress × OpenKruiseGame

This article demonstrates how Higress seamlessly interfaces with OKG Gaming Services, and the outstanding features it brings to the table.

Evolution of Nacos in the Cloud-native Architecture

The article describes the evolution of Nacos and introduces Nacos Controller project as a bridge between Nacos and Kubernetes.

Accelerating Image Generation in Stable Diffusion with TensorRT and Alibaba Cloud ACK

This article explains how to leverage TensorRT to speed up image generation in Stable Diffusion using the Alibaba Cloud ACK cloud-native AI suite.

Solutions to Engineering Challenges of Generative AI Model Services in Cloud-native Scenarios

This article introduces the engineering challenges of generative AI model services in cloud-native scenarios and the optimization of Fluid in cloud-native generative AI model inference contexts.

Cloud-native Offline Workflow Orchestration: Kubernetes Clusters for Distributed Argo Workflows

This article explores the distinctions between mainstream batch computing systems and Kubernetes clusters for distributed Argo Workflows.

Practice of End-to-end Canary Release by Using Kruise Rollout

This article discusses the concept and practice of end-to-end canary releases, particularly in the context of microservices.

Upgrade Spring Boot Applications to Spring Cloud

This article outlines the process for upgrading a Spring Boot application to Spring Cloud, capitalizing on the microservice ecosystem of Spring Cloud.

When OpenTelemetry Meets Alibaba Cloud Prometheus

This article focuses on the construction of system observability, specifically the metric monitoring system.

Random Indexes in RocketMQ

This article introduces the features of random indexes in RocketMQ, including the separation of hot and cold data, specific details, and comparisons with other systems.

Implement Spring-cloud-gateway Using Higress Wasm Plug-in

This article reviews how Spring Cloud Gateway fulfills the scenarios of HTTP request or response transformation requirements.

Latest Comments

5885210357136728 Commented on Explaining Memory Issues in Java Cloud-Native Practices

Incredibly useful article but without understanding underlying OS process memory management, it could be hard to follow.

5965002955462120 Commented on Implement a New Service Mesh Integrating Sidecarless and Sidecar Modes


5003589663942412 Commented on The Rising of Emerging Software R&D Paradigms Promotes Cloud Computing to Become Serverless

As a website developer myself, I found Øystein Grøvlen's journey fascinating. His transition from a Senior Staff Engineer at Alibaba to working on the MySQL Optimizer

Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on Koordinator V1.2.0 Supports Node Resource Reservation and Is Compatible with the Rescheduling Policy


Tran Phuc Hau Commented on A Retrospection of KubeVela in 2022

I got this error when runningvela port-forward -n vela-system addon-velaux 9082:80? There are 2 services match your filter conditions. Please choose one:Cluster | Component | Service local | velaux | velauxtrying to connect the remote endpoint svc/velaux 9082:80 ..Forwarding from -> 80Forwarding from [::1]:9082 -> 80Forward successfully! Opening browser ...Failed to open browser: exec: "xdg-open": executable file not found in $PATH