
Dikky Ryan Pratama

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Dikky Ryan Pratama Posted blog

Apa Itu Proxy Squid dan Bagaimana Cara Menginstalnya di Alibaba Cloud

Proxy Squid adalah perangkat lunak proxy caching untuk web yang mendukung protokol seperti HTTP, HTTPS, dan FTP.

Dikky Ryan Pratama Posted blog

Cara Memilih Server yang Pas untuk Kebutuhan Anda

Memilih server yang tepat adalah langkah krusial untuk memastikan kelancaran operasional bisnis atau proyek Anda.

Dikky Ryan Pratama Posted blog

Apa Saja Mekanisme Backup dan Bagaimana Memilihnya?

Backup adalah proses penting untuk melindungi data dari kehilangan akibat kerusakan perangkat keras, serangan malware, atau kesalahan manusia.

Dikky Ryan Pratama Posted blog

Mendeteksi Ancaman di Alibaba Cloud ECS

Keamanan adalah salah satu aspek terpenting dalam pengelolaan infrastruktur cloud, terutama di lingkungan komputasi seperti Elastic Compute Service (E...

Dikky Ryan Pratama Posted blog

Menggunakan Strategi Backup di Alibaba Cloud guna Mengatasi Ancaman Siber

Di era digital yang semakin maju, kejahatan siber menjadi ancaman serius bagi bisnis di seluruh dunia.

Dikky Ryan Pratama Posted blog

Mengoptimalkan Kinerja Aplikasi dengan Layanan CDN dari Alibaba Cloud

Dalam era digital yang semakin berkembang, kecepatan akses dan performa aplikasi telah menjadi komponen kunci dalam menentukan kualitas pengalaman pen...

Dikky Ryan Pratama Posted blog

5 Landasan Untuk Transformasi Digital

Cloud berperan sebagai fondasi utama dalam memulai transformasi digital global. E-book dari Alibaba Cloud, The Five Essential Tools for a Cloud-Driv...

Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

How ApsaraDB for RDS ESSDs Are Surpassing Your Expectations about Disks on the Cloud

This blog discusses how ApsaraDB for RDS has evolved to meet and even surpass the expectations of customers, providing better reliability, security and performance.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

How Alibaba Cloud Redis Made the Double 11 Shopping Festival Possible

This article details some of the business scenarios through which Alibaba Cloud Redis made the 2018 Double 11 global shopping festival possible for millions of shoppers.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Create an OSS Bucket

Bài viết này hướng dẫn cách Tạo một OSS Bucket


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Best Practice: Create a Chatbot with LLM and AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL on Alibaba Cloud

This article explains multiple ways to create chatbots (with examples and code).


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Is Your Redis Slowing Down? – Part 1: Determining Slowdown

Part 1 of this 2-part series discusses the method of determining Redis slowdown.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Is Your Redis Slowing Down? – Part 2: Optimizing and Improving Performance

Part 2 of this 2-part series explains how to improve Redis performance.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Hands-On Lab | Migrate User-Created PostgreSQL to ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL through Cloud Migration

Part 5 of this 5-part series explains how to migrate user-created PostgreSQL to ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL through cloud migration based on streaming replication.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Alibaba Cloud ACtivate 2019 Online Conference Recap: Day 1

Alibaba Cloud ACtivate online conference helps business leaders develop their strategic roadmaps by taking advantage of the rapidly-evolving opportunities of technology.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Empower Your Business Digital Transformation with Tools and Cloud Services

Digital transformation is the way of using digital technology to change services or businesses by replacing non-digital or manual processes with digital processes.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

How to Choose the Most Suitable Database to Empower Your Business with Proven Performance

This blog aims to guide you in choosing the right type of database to meet the specific needs of your business.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Hands-On Lab | Migrate User-Created MySQL to ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL with DTS

Part 3 of this 5-part series explains how to migrate user-created MySQL to ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL with DTS.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

Hands-On Lab | Migrate User-Created MySQL to PolarDB for MySQL with DTS and Explore DTS Full Data Verification

Part 4 of this 5-part series explains how to migrate user-created MySQL to PolarDB for MySQL with DTS and explore DTS full data verification.


Dikky Ryan Pratama Commented on

The Art of Code Comments: Does Good Code Need Comments?

This article discusses code comments, including their importance, significance, and controversies.

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