Community Blog Series Apache Flink: An Introductory Course
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Apache Flink: An Introductory Course

This series describes the concepts, architecture, development, and applications of Apache Flink.

Flink Course Series (1): A General Introduction to Apache Flink

This article describes the basic concepts, importance, development, and current applications of Apache Flink.

Flink Course Series (2): Stream Processing with Apache Flink

This article describes stream processing with Apache Flink from three different aspects.

Flink Course Series (3): Flink Runtime Architecture

This article focuses on the underlying Flink Runtime Architecture with four parts, including runtime overview, Jobmaster, TaskExecutor, and ResourceManager.

Flink Course Series (4): Fault Tolerance in Flink

This article mainly introduces Flink fault tolerance mechanism principles along with stateful stream computing, global consistency snapshots, and Flink state management.

Flink Course Series (5): Introduction and Practice of Flink SQL Table

This article mainly introduces the background, concepts, and features of the Flink SQL and Table API.

Flink Course Series (6): A Quick Start for Using PyFlink

This article introduces the objectives and the development of the PyFlink project as well as its current core features.

Flink Course Series (7): Flink Ecosystems

This article describes how Flink SQL connects to external systems and introduces commonly used Flink SQL Connectors.

Flink Course Series (8): Detailed Interpretation of Flink Connector

This article gives a detailed interpretation of Flink Connector from the four aspects: connectors, Source API, Sink API, and the future development of collectors.

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