Community Blog Series Big Data and AI - Demonstrations
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Big Data and AI - Demonstrations

Updated interface based demos for MaxCompute data integration, Platform for AI services of visualized modeling, DSW and EAS are presented with step by step procedure.

Hyper parameter optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks to classify MNIST digit database

I explored the cloud AI systems available with Alibaba Cloud. The Machine Learning Platform for AI sounds promising for anyone who wants to kickstart their projects in Cloud AI.

Time Series Forecasting using variants of Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks

In this article we will walkthrough the implementation of couple of LSTM variants and compare their performances visually against the actual data.

Data Integration using Alibaba Cloud DataWorks

Data Integration uses data studio in Data works environment. Data processing uses Hive SQL to parse through the massive amount of data available and Q.

PAI Visualized Modeling: Enroute from Development to Deployment

The model deployment section below has Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS) which houses the deployment models already available and acts as a platform to deploy the customized models created by the users.

Developing and Deploying a Tensorflow Model Using PAI DSW and PAI EAS for a Custom Image Dataset

Our ultimate purpose is to mount this OSS image dataset to the DSW instance and enable the usage of the dataset the same way I used in the standalone .

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