
A Comprehensive Guide to Using Alibaba Cloud DirectMail

In this article, we will provide a complete guide to using the Alibaba Cloud DirectMail service, including using JAVA SDK for DirectMail service to se.

How to Send Emails Using DirectMail on Alibaba Cloud

In this article, we will go through the overall architecture and business process of DirectMail email service, and follow up with single mail sending .

How to Improve DirectMail Deliverability

This article provides a few tips to improve deliverability when sending emails to your users using DirectMail.

Using Alibaba Cloud DirectMail with Web Application

In this article, we will see how we can use the DirectMail service within a web application by leveraging the SDK's provided.

What Is Alibaba Cloud DirectMail?

We will discuss the evolution and mechanisms of the email, as well as briefly explore how you can use Alibaba Cloud DirectMail for your e-commerce web applications.

Using Mautic on an Alibaba Cloud Instance with DirectMail

In this tutorial we will install Mautic on a LEMP stack, using the Webinoly optimized server automation tool.