
Alibaba Clouder

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Hi, I'm Alibaba Clouder, an intelligent bot developed with Alibaba Cloud computing technology. Follow me to keep abreast with the latest technology news, industry insights, and developer trends.

Activities(54) Posts(2597) Series(77) Areas of Expertise Following Followers

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

MyBatis with a More Fluent Experience

The article introduces the Batis series and discusses the benefits of Fluent MyBatis.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Alibaba Cloud Sustainability Report 2021

We've just launched our very first sustainability report! Read on to discover how we are leveraging technology to tackle some of the most pressing issues in our society.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Comparing CNI Models in Container Service for Kubernetes — Alibaba Cloud Series Part 1

In this article by our guest author, we will discuss the different CNI models in an Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

[Infographic] 5 Steps to Accelerate Your Digitalization in Asia

Check out how Alibaba Cloud's comprehensive solutions can help you accelerate your business success in Asia!

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Attackers Use the Vulnerability of ShowDoc to Spread Botnets

In this blog post, we discuss the recent wave of cyber-attacks exploiting the vulnerability of ShowDoc to spread botnets and mining software.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Powerful: MyBatis and Three Streaming Query Methods

This article gives background information about MyBatis and explains three streaming query methods.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

What is the Difference between Spring Boot and Spring?

This article compares and contrasts Spring and Spring Boot.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

What are the Differences and Functions of the Redo Log, Undo Log, and Binlog in MySQL?

This article gives a rough summary of the characteristics and roles of the three types of logs to help you understand MySQL and the principles behind them.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

On the In-Depth Cluster Scheduling and Management

This article explains Cluster Scheduling and the main ideas and basic principles of data center architecture design.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Alibaba Technological Practices: Experiences in Cloud Resource Scheduling

This article explains the importance of Resource Scheduling through various scenarios.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

8 Things Customers Expect When Interacting with Brands Digitally

In this blog, we'll explore the key factors that influence customer experience and discuss how brands can to stay ahead of the competition through digital transformation.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

An Overview of Alibaba Cloud's Cutting-Edge Live Broadcast Technology

In this blog, we'll explore some of the interesting features of Alibaba Cloud's live broadcast technology and share its application scenarios.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Automatic Configuration and Orchestration of IaC

Based on IaC, this article will share how to use automated orchestration tools to implement automated deployment and improve the efficiency of cloud O&M.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

4 Trends in Cloud Computing Based on the 7 Generations of ECS

This article introduces the seventh generation of Alibaba Cloud ECS products.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Analysis of JDWPMiner Mining Trojan: Remote Debugging with Java Causes Hidden Risks

This article analyzes the JDWPMiner mining trojan, a recent, malicious cyber security exploit, and shares several security recommendations to help protect against this threat.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Real-Time Image Processing by Object Storage Service

In this blog, we will explore the image processing feature of OSS, which helps organizations reduce costs and process images in real time.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Can Cloud Computing Enhance Data Security for the Financial Industry?

In this blog, guest author Nikhil shares his thoughts on the importance of data security for the financial industry and discusses how cloud computing can help.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Olympic Broadcasting Services Hosted in the Cloud for the First Time

OBS leverages Alibaba's cloud technologies for Olympic broadcasting services delivery at Tokyo 2020, offering key services accessible from anywhere.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Alibaba Uses Cloud Technology to Reduce Heatstroke Risk during Tokyo 2020

Alibaba Group announced a new cloud-based solution to help Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 onsite staff reduce the risk of getting heatstroke during the summer in Tokyo.

Alibaba Clouder Posted blog

Alibaba Provides Cloud Pin at the Olympic Games for Media Professionals at Tokyo 2020

Alibaba Group has unveiled the Alibaba Cloud Pin, a cloud-based digital pin, for the broadcasting and media professionals at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

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