Container Service

AI Container Image Deployment: Stable Diffusion

This article introduces how to quickly build a personal text-based image generation service based on Alibaba Cloud AMD servers and OpenAnolis AI container service.

AI Container Image Deployment: Qwen-Audio-Chat

This article introduces how to quickly build an AI voice assistant service based on Alibaba Cloud AMD servers and OpenAnolis AI container service.

AI Container Image Deployment: Qwen-VL-Chat

This article introduces how to quickly build a personal AI vision assistant service based on Alibaba Cloud AMD servers and OpenAnolis AI container service.

Deploying Serverless Applications with ACK One and Knative for On-Premises Data Centers

This article introduces how to use ACK One and Knative to manage cloud resources.

ACK One: Building a Hybrid Cloud Zone-Disaster Recovery System

This article introduces how to use ACK One to quickly build a hybrid cloud disaster recovery system.

ACK One Argo Workflows: Implementing Dynamic Fan-out/Fan-in Task Orchestration

This article explains how to use Argo Workflow to orchestrate dynamic DAG fan-out/fan-in tasks.

Decipher the Knative's Open-Source Serverless Framework: Traffic Perspective

This article describes Knative's traffic management, traffic access, traffic-based elasticity, and monitoring.

Getting Started with Service Mesh

This post is a quick and easy guide to everything there is to know about Service Mesh.

Alibaba Cloud Cloud-native Elasticity Solution: Use Elasticity to Improve the Utilization of Cluster Resources

This article discusses how to achieve cost optimization and solve the challenge of low cluster resource utilization through elasticity.

Best Practices for Ray Clusters - Ray on ACK

The article discusses how to set up a Ray cluster on Alibaba Cloud ACK, and the elastic scaling capabilities facilitated by the Ray autoscaler and ACK autoscaler.

Cloud-native Offline Workflow Orchestration: Kubernetes Clusters for Distributed Argo Workflows

This article explores the distinctions between mainstream batch computing systems and Kubernetes clusters for distributed Argo Workflows.

Fluid Supports Tiered Locality Scheduling

This article explains how to use Fluid to implement tiered affinity scheduling and configure custom affinity based on real scenarios.

OpenKruise × iLogtail: The Best Practice for Managing Sidecar Containers for Observable Data Collection

This article analyzes the challenges in managing sidecar containers for data collection and provides solutions using the management capabilities offered by OpenKruise.

Best Practice for Managing Log Collection Sidecar Containers

This article introduces best practices for managing log collection sidecar containers in Kubernetes, specifically focusing on the use of Kruise SidecarSet for effective management.

Introduction to KubeSkoop Exporter

This article provides an overview of KubeSkoop Exporter, covering its architecture, metrics, and events.

Visualization with KubeSkoop Exporter

This article introduces how to use Prometheus & Grafana for visualization of metrics and how to use Grafana & Loki to view visualized network events.

Running KubeSkoop Exporter in Sidecar Mode

This article introduces how to run an nginx deployment with KubeSkoop exporter sidecar.

Use KubeSkoop Exporter to Monitor and Locate Container Network Jitter Issues

This article describes the basic contents and solutions to container network jitter issues.

Used CronHPA Controller for Predictable Pattern in Kubernetes using Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)

Kubernetes has evolved into a strategic platform for deploying and scaling applications in data centers and the cloud.

Enhancing Self-created Kubernetes with Cloud Elasticity to Cope with Traffic Bursts

This article focuses on the use scenario of ACK One registered clusters - cloud elasticity.