Data Transmission Service

Using DTS to Synchronize Data from MySQL to ClickHouse

This article introduces the best practices and common pitfalls when using Alibaba Cloud DTS for data migration from MySQL to ClickHouse.

Performance Comparison Between Alibaba Cloud DTS and MongoShake

The article focuses on the performance comparison of DTS MongoDB-to-MongoDB and MongoShake data synchronization.

Alibaba Cloud DTS Network Troubleshooting

The article presents a simple model to outline the troubleshooting method for DTS network connection issues.

DTS Data Synchronization

Data Transmission Service supports data migration and data synchronization between data engines, such as relational database, NoSQL, data warehouses, and OLAP.

Hands-On Lab | Migrate User-Created MySQL to PolarDB for MySQL with DTS and Explore DTS Full Data Verification

Part 4 of this 5-part series explains how to migrate user-created MySQL to PolarDB for MySQL with DTS and explore DTS full data verification.

How to Synchronize data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance to a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance Using DTS

This topic describes how to synchronize data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance to a Message Queue for Apache Kafka instance by using Data Transmission Service (DTS).

Converged Database Ecosystem: Building CDC Applications with EventBridge

This article introduces how to use EventBridge to build CDC applications from the aspects of CDC, CDC's application on EventBridge, and several best practice scenarios.

The Basic Use of RDS (Part 3): Import & Export To and From ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL

In this video tutorial, we will introduce how to import data from ECS-hosted MySQL or on-premise MySQL to ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL through CLI and Alibaba Cloud Data Management Service.

Migrate SQL Server 2017 to Alibaba Cloud Using DTS

This article explains how to migrate SQL server 2017 to Alibaba Cloud using DTS.



Solving the DTS-077100 Error During Data Synchronization

This article explains a series of possible error scenarios while working with DTS.

Developing an Enterprise Cloud Strategy - Part 1

Part 1 of this 2-part series explains how to create a robust and cost-effective cloud strategy to simplify your digital transformation requirements.

Yipin Abandons Traditional Database Architecture and Migrates Its Business to Alibaba Cloud

This article discusses the challenges of traditional databases and explains how migrating to Alibaba Cloud resolved Yipin's scalability and O&M problems.

Seeding Digital Transformation in Southeast Asia – Part 4: The Strategy

Part 4 of this 8-part series continues exploring the digital transformation strategy of Buttercup Spices.

Seeding Digital Transformation in Southeast Asia – Part 5: Application Migration

Part 5 of this 8-part series discusses Buttercup Spices and their application migration steps using Alibaba Cloud.

Terbang Semakin Tinggi dengan Teknologi Cloud

Pelajari bagimana Alibaba Cloud membantu Garuda Indonesia mereduksi biaya operasional hingga 60% dan mereduksi network latency hingga 20%.

All-in-one Lake Migration of Multiple Data Sources

This article briefly discusses Alibaba Cloud Data Lake Formation (DLF) service and explains how it solves the data migration challenges during lake migration of data from heterogeneous data sources.

How One Airline is Flying High with the Cloud

Discover how Alibaba Cloud helped Garuda Indonesia reduce its operational costs by 60% and reduce its network latency by 20%.

Big Data Made Simpler with E-MapReduce – Part 2

Part 2 of this 2-part series discusses E-MapReduce cluster management and how it works in real-world scenarios and various usage scenarios.

In the Zone – Hybrid Cloud Migration (Part 1)

This article will help develop your hybrid cloud migration strategy with some up-to-date and effective industry practices.