Front-end Development

A Trick to Get Rid of If-Else: Elegant Parameter Verification

This article focuses on discussing how to gracefully perform parameter verification.

Seamless Switching? From Vue to React

This article primarily analyzes the differences between Vue and React in development, to help Vue developers and front-end beginners quickly get started with React.

How Does esModuleInterop Affect TSC?

This article explains how a specific configuration affects tsc compilation results based on the differences in specifications between CommonJS and ES Module.

The Use of Vector Rotation in a Two-Dimensional Space

This article will explain the principle of vector rotation in a two-dimensional space.

Read Node.js Source Code to Deeply Understand the CJS Module System

This article explores the Node.js source code to understand the loading process of CJS modules.

Build Standardized Applications with Webpack5 + React + TS from 0 to 1

This article explains how to build a standardized frontend application based on webpack + react + typescript (starting from an empty directory).

Do I Need to Transcode the Code of ES6 or Its Later Versions to the Code of ES5?

This article discusses ES5 code, ES6 code, and various transcoding tools (such as Babel).

A Method for Optimizing JS Programs

This article discusses methods to optimize JavaScript programs, including the relationship between digital circuits and programs and Node Sea.

Develop a Dedicated Code Hinting Plug-In for VsCode

The article explains code hinting and simple examples of code completion to show the ability of the VsCode plug-ins to assist development.

You Can Learn CSS Quickly Through Animation!

This article explains CSS through a series of gifs.

An AST Operating JavaScript

This article discusses parsing highly fault-tolerant code, modifying and generating an AST, and regenerating code.

A Detailed Explanation of CSS-in-JS

This article gives a thorough explanation of CSS-in-JS, including where it is today and where it is going in the future.

Learning about Defect Detection in Code Intelligence

This article discusses checking bugs with code defect detection.

How Do Frontend Developers Learn Functional Programming?

This article explains ways to learn functional programming through a list of tips and tricks.

Learning about Intelligent Code Completion

This article explains the history and current situation of code completion.

Pipcook 2.0 Implements the Training and Deployment of the Machine Learning Model in 20 Seconds!

This article explores how to use Pipcook 2.0 to train, deploy, and publish a model.

Java Programming Skills – Boilerplate Code

In this article, we will introduce several common Java boilerplate codes with the hopes of encouraging you to build and improve your own boilerplate code base.

Development Practices of Vite and React Components

This article explains the benefits of Vite and some ideas about future development.

Flutter Architecture Design and Application in Streaming Scenarios

This article describes how to design and realize a set of stream page-building capabilities in Flutter.

Flutter: A Full-scene Scrolling Container with High-performance and Multi-functions

This article explores how PowerScrollView addresses streaming challenges at Xianyu that native and some open source solutions in Flutter fail to meet.