
Privatized Business Delivery Practice Based on Sealer from Government Procurement Cloud

This article discusses the Sealer open-source project, its implementation, and its future outlook.

The six hottest technologies in DevOps

Here we talk about some of the most important tools used by "DevOps" practitioners, and how they fit together.

Managing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on Alibaba Cloud

This article gives an overview of how to manage Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on Alibaba Cloud.

Understanding DevOps Toolchains

This article explains what a DevOps toolchain is and how Alibaba Cloud has made significant improvements with tool delivery.

Revealing Neural Network and QA system Behind Deep Learning

In this blog, we'll review useful tricks in deep learning like application of Mobile Neural Network and QA Systems.

Getting Started with Ansible for Configuration Management

In this tutorial, it will explain to use Ansible for deploying and managing your applications on configuration management system.

What is Ansible and How it Works?

Ansible is a powerful IT automation tool that you can quickly learn. It’s simple enough for everyone in IT yet powerful enough to automate even the most complex deployment.

Managing Alibaba Cloud Resources in Ansible Using Dynamic Inventory

In this blog we will introduce how you can manage Alibaba Cloud resources in Ansible using Dynamic Inventory.

Alibaba Cloud Supports Mainstream Open Source Developer Tools to Further Enhance Developers' Experience

Alibaba Cloud supports mainstream open source management tools including Terraform, Ansible, Packer, Vault, and BOSH, helping developers to be more productive in the cloud.

Set up Visual Studio Code on Alibaba Cloud

Learn how you can set up Visual Studio Code on an Alibaba Cloud ECS instance.

How to Install Linux, Apache, and PHP(LAP) Stack on ECS using Ansible only with 3 steps

In this post, Andre details how to install Linux, Apache, and PHP(LAP) Stack on ECS using Ansible

How to Provision Alibaba Cloud Resources with Ansible

In this article, we will show you how to use Ansible to create Alibaba Cloud resources through the Ansible Alicloud Module.

Deploy an Image using Ansible and Jenkins

In this tutorial, you are going to deploy an image that consists of Tomcat, Java, and MySQL using Ansible and Jenkins on Alibaba Cloud.

Preparing a LEMP Ubuntu 18 Server with WordPress using Ansible

This blog post will cover parameterization and the use of the Ansible Galaxy to configure the servers by automation.

Test Your Ansible Deployment with Inspec and Kitchen on Alibaba Cloud

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to write tests for your ansible playbooks on Alibaba Cloud using Inspec and Kitchen.

Deploying Drupal 8 using Ansible Playbook: Part 1

In this multi-part article series, we will be deploying Drupal 8 using Ansible Playbook on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.

Deploying Drupal 8 using Ansible Playbook: Part 3

In this multi-part article series, we will be deploying Drupal 8 using Ansible Playbook on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.

Deploying Drupal 8 using Ansible Playbook: Part 2

In this multi-part article series, we will be deploying Drupal 8 using Ansible Playbook on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.

Managing ECS Instances with Ansible Dynamic Inventory

In this article, we will learn how to configure and integrate Ansible dynamic inventory with an ECS instance, allowing you to manage your servers through automation.

Automating Cloud Infrastructure with Ansible: Part 2

In this article, we will discuss about automation with Ansible, and provision an Alibaba Cloud ECS instance with Ansible.