Clean Energy

Alibaba Slashes Carbon Footprint By 13% Through Emission-Saving Efforts

Alibaba Group cut net carbon emissions from its operations by 12.9% in the 12 months ending March 31 compared to the previous fiscal year.

Alibaba Cloud Champions Clean Energy During 11.11 Shopping Festival

Alibaba Cloud boosted its use of clean energy and leveraged cloud-native technology to make this year’s 11.11 its most eco-friendly to date.

How Alibaba Cloud Data Centers Will Reach 100% Clean Energy By 2030

Let's take a look at how Alibaba Cloud aims to have its global data centers running entirely on clean energy by 2030.

Khalifa University and Alibaba Cloud Launch Joint Innovation Laboratory to Focus on Artificial Intelligence for Clean Energy

Khalifa University of Science and Technology and Alibaba Cloud announced the launch of a Joint Innovation Laboratory, serving as the leading hub for energy and digitalization in the UAE.