Message Queue

The Way to Breaking Through the Performance Bottleneck of Locks in Apache RocketMQ

This article implements the evolution of the Apache RocketMQ locking mechanism and the design and implementation of the adaptive backoff spin lock mechanism (ABS lock).

Design of Cloud-native MQTT Message Engine Based on RocketMQ

This article explains how Alibaba Cloud uses serverless architecture to cut operational costs and improve communication for IoT devices in a cloud-native environment.

Cost Management Practices for ApsaraMQ

This article discusses the cost management practices of ApsaraMQ and introduces architectural optimizations and new capabilities in the serverless version.

Modern Message Queue Services and Cloud Storage

The article delves into the evolution of modern messaging systems, focusing on key features such as software-hardware integration, millions of queues, and tiered storage.

RocketMQ 5.0 IoT Messaging: What Message Technology Does IoT Need?

This article introduces the technical architecture of a typical IoT scenario, emphasizing the dual role of Message Queues in connecting IoT applications and integrating cloud data processing.

RocketMQ 5.0: What Characteristics Does Event-driven in the Cloud Era Have?

This article introduces the event-driven aspects of RocketMQ 5.0 and EventBridge.

RocketMQ 5.0 Stream Database: How to Implement Integrated Stream Processing?

This article introduces the concepts and features of RocketMQ 5.0's stream processing capabilities, including RStreams and RSQLDB, and how they simplify stream processing.

RocketMQ 5.0 Stream Storage: What Are the Requirements of Stream Scenarios?

This article introduces the concept of stream storage in RocketMQ 5.0, its usage scenarios, features, and applications through data integration cases.

Apache RocketMQ: How to Evolve from the Internet Era to the Cloud Era?

This article introduces the evolution of message queues, the background and advantages of RocketMQ, and the driving forces behind its development towards the cloud-native era.

RocketMQ 5.0: How Does the Cloud-native Architecture Support Diversified Scenarios?

This article introduces the overall architecture of RocketMQ and how it supports diverse business scenarios based on its storage-compute separation architecture.

RocketMQ 5.0: What are the Advantages of RocketMQ in Business Message Scenarios?

This article introduces the key features and enhancements of RocketMQ, focusing on its role in application decoupling, reliability, performance, and adaptability to various application architectures.

RocketMQ 5.0: How to Support Complex Business Message Scenarios?

This article explores how RocketMQ solves complex business scenarios from a feature perspective.

Interview Questions We've Learned Over the Years: Kafka

This article is part of a series focusing on interview questions for technicians, with a specific emphasis on Kafka.

Interview Questions We've Learned Over the Years: SpringCloud

This article is part of a series focusing on interview questions for technicians, with a specific emphasis on SpringCloud.

Random Indexes in RocketMQ

This article introduces the features of random indexes in RocketMQ, including the separation of hot and cold data, specific details, and comparisons with other systems.

Technical Optimizations of RocketMQ 5.0 Tiered Storage

This article aims to analyze and evaluate the selection of technical architectures in a data-intensive application model.

Deploy RabbitMQ on an ECS Instance

This article describes how to deploy RabbitMQ on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.

A Reinterpretation of RocketMQ Commit Log Storage Protocol

This article describes the author's unedrstanding on RocketMQ Commit Log Storage Protocol.

How to Configure TLS-encrypted Transmission in RocketMQ 5.0?

This tutorial describes how to configure TLS-encrypted transmission in RocketMQ 5.0.

RocketMQ 5.0 VS 4.9.X: Comparison of Architecture Diagram

This article introduces the comparison of the architecture diagrams between RocketMQ version 5.0 and version 4.9.X.