
Alibaba Cloud Native

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Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Use SPL to Efficiently Implement Flink SLS Connector Pushdown

This article introduces SPL and its application in the Realtime Compute for Apache Flink SLS Connector.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Unveiling ARMS Continuous Profiling: New Insights into Application Performance Bottlenecks

This article describes application performance bottlenecks from a new perspective.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Practices for Distributed Elasticity Training in the ACK Cloud-native AI Suite

This article introduces the practices and architectures for distributed elastic training of Alibaba Cloud ACK cloud-native AI suite to enhance the eff...

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

ARMS eBPF Edition: Technical Exploration for Efficient Protocol Parsing

This article explores an efficient protocol parsing solution within the eBPF edition for effective observability in cloud-based microservice software architectures.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Exploring How Elastic Scheduling and Virtual Nodes Meet Instant Compute Demands

This article describes how to combine elastic scheduling with ECIs to quickly respond to instantaneous computing power requirements.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Kube Queue: A Powerful Tool for Kubernetes Task Queuing

This article discusses the importance and necessity of the task queue system, and details how Kube Queue defines its role and contribution in the current Kubernetes ecosystem.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Interpreting EventBridge Transformation: Flexible Data Transformation and Processing

The article introduces the transformation capability of Alibaba Cloud EventBridge, covering an overview of ETL, the Transform (T) capability, and the practical scenarios of EventBridge Transform.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Driving Business Agility and Efficient Cloud Resource Management through Elastic Scheduling

This article presents two scenarios to illustrate how the elastic scheduling feature helps enterprises optimize resource allocation, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Alibaba Cloud Cloud-native Elasticity Solution: Use Elasticity to Improve the Utilization of Cluster Resources

This article discusses how to achieve cost optimization and solve the challenge of low cluster resource utilization through elasticity.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Building a Next-generation Intelligent Observability System Based on eBPF

This article introduces three major observability challenges in the Kubernetes environment, and explained the solution of data collection in the Kubernetes environment.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Optimal Multi-language Application Monitoring: ARMS eBPF Edition

This article introduces how the ARMS application monitoring eBPF edition meets the growing need for observability.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Observability | Best Practices for Using Prometheus to Monitor SQL Server

This article describes how to use Prometheus to Monitor SQL Server.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

miHoYo Big Data Cloud-Native Practices

The article introduces the process of upgrading MiHoYo's big data architecture to cloud-native and the benefits of using Spark on K8s.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Observability | Best Practices for Using Prometheus to Monitor Memcached

This article introduces how to use Prometheus to Monitor Memcached.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Model Service Mesh: Model Service Management in Cloud-native Scenario

This article introduces Model Service Mesh, an architectural pattern for deploying and managing scalable machine learning model services in a distributed environment.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Slow Trace Diagnostics - ARMS Hotspots Code Analysis Feature

This article describes how to use ARMS's hotspot code analysis feature to diagnose slow traces.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

The Spark on ACK Practice of Hago

This article introduces Hago's practice of adopting Spark on ACK and its migration process.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Manage End-to-end Traffic Based on Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM): Traffic Lanes in Loose Mode

This article describes how to use traffic lanes in loose mode to implement end-to-end traffic management in ASM.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Manage End-to-end Traffic Based on Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM): Traffic Lanes in Strict Mode

The article outlines the challenges and limitations of using ASM for end-to-end traffic management, and provides a detailed demonstration of traffic lanes in strict mode.

Alibaba Cloud Native Posted blog

Observability | Key Metrics to Focus On When Using Prometheus to Monitor E-MapReduce

This article explains how to monitor big data in EMR using Prometheus Service.

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