
Building Your Data Lake on Alibaba Cloud

This article explains data lakes and how to build data lakes on Alibaba Cloud.

Friday Q&A - Week 9 - Questions From The Vault

Come explore top questions about Alibaba Cloud's Big Data platform with us, as we delve deep into our question bank!

Data Lake Analytics (DLA): An Interactive Analytics Service That Utilizes Serverless Architecture

Alibaba Cloud Data Lake Analytics (DLA) allows you to use standard SQL syntax and business intelligence (BI) tools to efficiently analyze your data stored in the cloud with extremely low costs.

Why I Love Data Lake Analytics

Alibaba Cloud Data Lake Analytics is an interactive analytics service that utilizes serverless architecture for big data applications.

Analyzing Data on Tableau with Data Lake Analytics

In this tutorial, we will analyze raw data with Tableau using Alibaba Cloud Data Lake Analytics. We will analyze the files that are available in OSS.