
Implementing Reinforcement Learning with Keras

In this tutorial, you will be learning how you can implement your own reinforcement learning tasks on Alibaba Cloud's Machine Learning Platform with Keras.

DNN training for LibSVM-formatted data - From Keras to Estimator

This article provides a fully verified solution (with code) to run LR and GBDT on a LibSVM-formatted dataset efficiently using TensorFlow.

Part 4: Image Classification using Features Extracted by Transfer Learning in Keras

In Part 4 of this 4-article series, we will load the saved model again for extracting features from the datasets.

Part 3: Image Classification using Features Extracted by Transfer Learning in Keras

In Part 3 of this 4-article series, we are going to transfer the learning of MobileNet for working with the Fruits360 dataset.

Part 2: Image Classification using Features Extracted by Transfer Learning in Keras

In Part 2 of this 4-article series, we will create a Jupyter notebook and download the Fruits360 dataset using Keras within the Jupyter notebook.

Part 1: Image Classification using Features Extracted by Transfer Learning in Keras

In Part 1 of this 4-article series, we will explore the ML pipeline to highlight the challenges of manual feature extraction.