
How to Avoid the Kotlin Coroutine Deadlocks?

This article analyzes the root cause of Kotlin coroutine deadlock and how to completely avoid this problem.

Introduction to Alibaba Cloud Student Program

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Practice and Reflections on Vectorized Code: How to Speed Up Code with Vectorization Technology

This article analyzes the vectorization technology, explains SIMD instructions, and introduces how to write standard vectorized code.

Retry Mechanism in Java Fault-tolerant Programming

This article summarizes retry techniques in the face of service failures and provides an analysis of the source code of retry tools and components.

How to Make Full Use of SQL Capabilities?

The focus of this article is maximizing SQL capabilities. It explores a unique approach, using basic syntax to solve complex data scenarios through flexible and divergent data processing thinking.

Troubleshooting an Odd TCP Handshake Disorder

This article details the troubleshooting process of TCP handshake disorder, providing a summary and learning record of TCP implementation.

How to Ensure Java Application Security?

This article introduces Teaclave Java and how to ensure Java application security.

Use MindOpt to Optimize Diet Plans

This article discusses the most classic diet (Diet) problem in mathematical programming.

Use Coolbpf’s LWCB and Forget Dependence on Clang

This article introduces the Coolbpf project’s new lightweight scripting programming feature: Lightweight Coolbpf (LWCB).

Is Your Redis Slowing Down? – Part 1: Determining Slowdown

Part 1 of this 2-part series discusses the method of determining Redis slowdown.

Is Your Redis Slowing Down? – Part 2: Optimizing and Improving Performance

Part 2 of this 2-part series explains how to improve Redis performance.

Java Annotation Processing Tool - AbstractProcessor

This article provides a detailed description of how Java annotation processors work and how they automatically generate code.

The Art of Code Comments: Does Good Code Need Comments?

This article discusses code comments, including their importance, significance, and controversies.

Java Development Practices: Using Thread Pools and Thread Variables Properly

This article introduces the principles and usage practices of thread pools and thread variables and gives best practices to help developers build stable and efficient Java application services.

Relational Algebra and SQL Syntax – Part 1

Part 1 of this series introduces the theoretical basis and focuses on various high-end SQL operations.

Relational Algebra and SQL Syntax – Part 2

Part 2 of this series focuses on various SQL syntaxes.

An Introduction to Rust Memory Distribution

This article introduces the distribution of Rust's various data structures in memory from shallow to deep to help readers learn Rust easier.

Which One Is More Powerful: AngularJS or ReactJS?

This article explains which framework (AngularJS and React JS) is more powerful.

Java Programming Skills: The Simplified Methods of Unit Test Cases

This article summarizes the simplified methods of more than ten kinds of test cases to promote Java unit tests and make it simpler when writing unit test cases.

The Invalid Unit Tests We Wrote

This article summarizes a set of methods and principles to avoid writing invalid unit test cases through daily unit test practice.