
Life of an SQL Task

This article outlines the SQL statement execution process, offering insights and guidance for newcomers to big data development.

Running ODPS PySpark using CLI

In this article we will discuss about Spark in general, its uses in the Big Data workflow and how to configure and run Spark in the CLI mode for CI/CD purposes.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 12: PIVOT/UNPIVOT

This article introduces the new syntax supported by MaxCompute - PIVOT/UNPIVOT.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 13: Global Zorder

This article introduces the support of Global Z-Order in MaxCompute.

Quickly Setup ODPS Spark Environment using Docker

In this article we will discuss how to quickly setup ODPS Spark Environment by using Docker Image and how to run PySpark ODPS using CLI.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 11: QUALIFY Clause

Part 11 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the features and use of QUALIFY Clause.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 10: IF ELSE Branch Statement

Part 10 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the script mode and parameterized views of MaxCompute.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 8: Dynamic Type Function

Part 9 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the improvements made by MaxCompute to address the limitations of its self-defined functions.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 9: Script Mode and Parameter View

Part 9 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the script mode and parameterized views of MaxCompute.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 7: Grouping Set, Cube and Rollup

Part 7 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces MaxCompute's support for GROUPING SETS.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 3: Complex Type Functions

Part 3 of the “Unleash the Power of MaxCompute” series describes the complex type functions of MaxCompute.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 2: Basic Data Types and Built-in Functions

Part 2 of the “Unleash the Power of MaxCompute” series describes the basic data types and built-in functions of MaxCompute.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 5: SELECT TRANSFORM

Part 5 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series introduces the support of MaxCompute for other scripting languages - SELECT TRANSFORM.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 4: CTE, VALUES, SEMIJOIN

Part 4 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series describes the improvements of MaxCompute in the SQL DML.

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 6: User Defined Type

Part 6 of the "Unleash the Power of MaxCompute" series describes a new feature called User Defined Type (UDT).

MaxCompute Unleashed - Part 1: Harnessing Compiler Errors and Warnings Effectively

Part 1 of the “Unleash the Power of MaxCompute” series describes the improvements of MaxCompute in usability.

How to Run Spark in MaxCompute

This article describes how to configure Spark 2.x dependencies and provides some examples.

How to Run Python in DataWorks and MaxCompute

This article describes how to run Python in DataWorks and MaxCompute.

How to Make Full Use of SQL Capabilities?

The focus of this article is maximizing SQL capabilities. It explores a unique approach, using basic syntax to solve complex data scenarios through flexible and divergent data processing thinking.

ODPS Optimization Suggestions for Beginners

This article explores algorithm ODPS offline development, including the skills and configuration methods in the daily data processing and scheduling.