
Major Upgrades of Go Microservice Framework: A Preview of Apache Dubbo-go 3.2.0-alpha

This article is a preview of the Apache Dubbo-go 3.2.0-alpha version.

A New Paradigm of Dubbo-go Communication Based on RocketMQ

This article discusses RPC and the communication capability of using RocketMQ alongside Dubbo-go.

Dubbo-go Service Proxy Model

This article introduces the Dubbo-go service proxy model, the HSF-go generic call model, and the practice of HSF-go in Dapr scenarios.

dubbo-go-pixiu: The Mythical Animal of Cross-Language Calls in Dubbo

This article discusses the history, features, and core functions of Pixiu.

Simple Introduction: Building Dubbo-go from Scratch and Dubbo Usage

This article describes how to use Dubbo-go to call service providers provided by Dubbo-go or Dubbo in detail.

Implement Remote Configuration Management in Dubbo-go

This article demonstrates the implementation of remote configuration management in Dubbo-go.

Quick Guide to Seamlessly Connect gRPC with Dubbo-go

Explore the upcoming support feature for gRPC in Dubbo-go. This article explains how to connect Dubbo-go and gRPC without any hassles.