Data Warehouses

Introduction to Unified Batch and Stream Processing of Apache Flink

Unified batch and stream processing of Flink is a well-established concept in the stream computing field.

Migrate SQL Server and SSIS Workloads with Active Directory (AD) Integration to Alibaba Cloud: Part 2

This article shares the best practice on your SQL Server and SSIS's cloud migration to Alibaba Cloud with active directory (AD) integration.

Migrate SQL Server and SSIS Workloads with Active Directory (AD) Integration to Alibaba Cloud: Part 1

This article shares the best practice on your SQL Server and SSIS's cloud migration to Alibaba Cloud.

Who Comes Next After the Rise of Data Warehouses and Data Lakes?

In this blog, two experts from Alibaba Cloud talk about the advantages that data warehouses and data lakes bring to handle large, complex architecture for businesses.