Flink SQL

Introduction to Unified Batch and Stream Processing of Apache Flink

Unified batch and stream processing of Flink is a well-established concept in the stream computing field.

Understand Flink SQL: Real-Time SQL Query Execution for Stream and Batch Data

Discover Flink SQL, the high-level API for executing SQL queries across streaming and batch data sets in Apache Flink.

The Next Step of Flink CDC

This article is based on a keynote speech given by Jark Wu, head of Flink SQL and Flink CDC at Alibaba Cloud, during Flink Forward Asia 2023.

Use SPL to Efficiently Implement Flink SLS Connector Pushdown

This article introduces SPL and its application in the Realtime Compute for Apache Flink SLS Connector.

Writing Flink SQL for Weakly Structured Logs: Leveraging SLS SPL

This article describes how to use SLS SPL (Structured Programming Language) to configure the SLS Connector to structure data.

How to Write Simple and Efficient Flink SQL

This article is compiled from Xiaolin He’s presentation at the 2022 Flink Forward Asia (FFA) Conference, discussing Flink SQL insight, best practices, and future works.

Flink 1.16: How Does Hive SQL Migrate to Flink SQL?

This article was compiled from a speech from the Apache Flink Meetup, discussing the release of Flink 1.16.

Kwai Builds Real-Time Data Warehouse Scenario-Based Practice on Flink

This article introduces the real-time data warehouse architecture built by Kwai based on Flink and offers solutions to some difficult problems.

Jingdong: Flink SQL Optimization Practice

This article focuses on the optimization measures of Jingdong in Flink SQL tasks, focusing on the aspects of shuffle, join mode selection, object reuse, and UDF reuse.

Flink Course Series (8): Detailed Interpretation of Flink Connector

This article gives a detailed interpretation of Flink Connector from the four aspects: connectors, Source API, Sink API, and the future development of collectors.

Deep Insights into Flink SQL: Flink Advanced Tutorials

This article explains the key functional changes in Flink 1.9 from the user perspective and describes the design and scenarios of the new TableEnvironment.