Serverless Devs

Serverless Devs Enters the CNCF Sandbox and Becomes the First Selected Serverless Tool Project!

This article introduces Serverless Devs and discusses how it became the official sandbox project of CNCF.

Discussing the Services and Functions within Alibaba Cloud Function Compute

This article defines and addresses the relationship between the services and functions of Alibaba Cloud Function Compute (FC).

Terraform for Serverless Devs – Implement Enterprise-Level Multi-Environment Deployment (Part 2)

Part 2 of this 2-part series explains some common problems with Serverless Devs and addresses some of the common questions after reading Part 1.

Terraform for Serverless Devs – Implement Enterprise-Level Multi-Environment Deployment (Part 1)

Part 1 of this 2-part series analyzes the application and infrastructure management challenges encountered by enterprises when going to the cloud.

How to Develop Serverless Devs Package Quickly?

This article introduces Serverless Devs Packages and package and component development.

Processing a Cartoon Style Avatar Applet Based on Serverless Architecture

This article explains the code behind a cartoon applet built with Serverless architecture.

Useful Debugging Practices: How to Realize Serverless Breakpoint Debugging

This article uses the Serverless Devs tool to guide the breakpoint debugging steps of Function Compute (FC) applications in detail.

Serverless Debugging Big Killer: End-Cloud Debugging

This article discusses end-cloud debugging, including the similarities and differences between local debugging and end-cloud debugging.

Alibaba Cloud Ranked as Leader in Forrester Wave: Public Cloud Development and Infrastructure Platform in China, Q4 2020

Alibaba Cloud is recognized as a Leader in the recent Q4 2020 "Public Cloud Development and Infrastructure Platform in China" report.