
What Is a Security Operation Center (SOC)?

A Security Operations Center (SOC) is a central location that is responsible for monitoring, detecting, investigating, and responding to cybersecurity incidents within an organization.

What Is DNS Hijacking?

DNS hijacking (also known as DNS redirection or DNS poisoning) is a type of cyber attack that involves manipulating the Domain Name System (DNS) to r...

What Is Cloud Security and What Features Does Alibaba Cloud Provide?

Cloud security refers to the protection of cloud computing environments and infrastructure from security threats, unauthorized access, and other form.

What is Wazuh and how to install Wazuh on Alibaba Cloud ?

Wazuh is an open-source security platform that provides threat detection, security analytics, and response capabilities.

Upgraded Alibaba Cloud Storage Products and Capabilities Help Lay a Strong Foundation for New Infrastructure

This article gives an overview of the new products and upgrades from a launch event in June 2020.