
Starter Guide | Build a RAG Service on Compute Nest with LLM on PAI-EAS and AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL in One Click

This tutorial describes how to build a RAG service using Compute Nest with LLM on Alibaba Cloud's PAI-EAS and AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL.

Solution 1: Build Your Llama2 LLM Solution with PAI-EAS and AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL

Explore the integration of AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL with large language models on Alibaba Cloud's Compute Nest, empowering businesses with efficiency.

Rapid Deployment of AI Painting with WebUI on PAI-EAS using Alibaba Cloud

In this tutorial, we will explore the rapid deployment of AI painting with stable diffusion WebUI using Alibaba Cloud's PAI-EAS.



Compute NestでLLMを使用してPAI-EASとAnalyticDB for PostgreSQLでRAGサービスを構築する

本記事では、Compute Nestを使用し、PAI-EAS上のLLM、ベクトルストアとしてのAnalyticDB for PostgreSQL、ウェブUIとしてのGradio、オーケストレーションとしてのLangchainを使用してRAGサービスを作成する方法について説明します。

Quickly Building a RAG Service on Compute Nest with LLM on PAI-EAS and AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL

This article describes how to create a RAG service using Compute Nest with LLMs on PAI-EAS, AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL as the vector store, Gradio for ...

Streamlined Deployment and Integration of Large Language Models with PAI-EAS

This article provides a comprehensive guide on deploying a large language model (LLM) application using the Platform for AI - Elastic Algorithm Service.

Mastering Generative AI - Run Llama2 Models on Alibaba Cloud's PAI with Ease

This article discusses the seamless integration of Llama 2 models on Alibaba Cloud's PAI-EAS platform, which offers significant speed boosts and cost savings for users through PAI Blade.

Friday Blog - Week 13 - Bird or Plane? Classifying Images With TensorFlow

Learn how to train TensorFlow models in PAI-DSW, then deploy AI APIs using PAI-EAS.