Classic Load Balancer

Embrace Open Source Ecosystem with Alibaba Load Balancer Controller V1.2.0

The article introduces the release of the open source version of alibaba-load-balancer-controller, including its features and best practices.

Use of Server Load Balancers to Regulate Network Traffic

Solution: Edwin creates 4 ECS instances and installs NGINX browser. Then he uploads the website contents in all the ECS instances.

Load Balancing on the Cloud – ALB, NLB, and CLB

This article discusses the purpose and details of each type of load balancer.

Friday Blog - Week 29 - Understanding Network Traffic Costs - Part 1

Wondering how to understand your network costs? Wonder no more! In Part 1 of our Network Cost series, we will de-mystify egress traffic costs on Alibaba Cloud.

Friday Blog - Week 22 - SLB, CLB, ALB, Oh my! Load Balancing on Alibaba Cloud

If you've been paying attention, you've surely noticed that Alibaba Cloud's "Server Load Balancer" seems to have split in two.