
Introduction to Unified Batch and Stream Processing of Apache Flink

Unified batch and stream processing of Flink is a well-established concept in the stream computing field.

Introduction to MaxCompute's Unified Near Real-time Data Processing Architecture

This article introduces how the new offline near real-time integrated architecture based on MaxCompute supports comprehensive business scenarios.

Official Open Source of PolarDB-X V2.4 Columnar Engine

This article introduces the architecture and release notes of PolarDB-X V2.4 and the new clustered columnar index (CCI) feature in PolarDB-X v2.4.

What are the Differences Between PolarDB-X and DRDS?

This article analyzes the similarities and differences between PolarDB-X and DRDS from different perspectives.

A Gift to the Society: Alibaba's Road of Technological Innovation

This article discusses Alibaba's contribution to the economy through technological innovation.

Evolution of Nacos in the Cloud-native Architecture

The article describes the evolution of Nacos and introduces Nacos Controller project as a bridge between Nacos and Kubernetes.

Build a PostgreSQL Primary/Secondary Architecture on ECS

This article describes how to build a primary/secondary PostgreSQL architecture on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that runs CentOS 7.

RocketMQ 5.0 VS 4.9.X: Comparison of Architecture Diagram

This article introduces the comparison of the architecture diagrams between RocketMQ version 5.0 and version 4.9.X.

Open-Source PolarDB-X 2.3: An Integration of Centralized and Distributed Architectures

This article gives a deep interpretation of Alibaba Cloud PolarDB for Xscale, its architecture and development.

Development to Deployment of 3-Tier Architecture of a Simple Web Application Using Alibaba Cloud

Three tier applications are a base for development of modern-day dynamic websites. It all started by having on premises servers hosting server-side scripts running on a database engine.

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Several Routines and Implementations of Maintaining Extensibility in Java

In this article, the author summarizes some low-cost routines for maintaining extensibility.

Apache RocketMQ EventBridge: Build the Next Generation of Event-driven Engines

This article introduces the technical architecture of RocketMQ EventBridge and how to build a good event-driven engine.

Best Practices for Microservices: Achieve Interoperability Between Spring Cloud and Apache Dubbo

This article provides real project examples and code demonstrations to explain how to achieve interoperability between Apache Dubbo and Spring Cloud with minimal cost.

RocketMQ 5.0 Architecture Analysis: How to Support Diversified Scenarios Based on Cloud-native Architecture

This article introduces the cloud-native architecture of RocketMQ and how it supports various scenarios using a unified architecture.

Exploring the New High-availability Design of RocketMQ 5.0

This article explores the implementation of a highly available system and the evolutionary path of the RocketMQ high-availability architecture.

Six Application Scenarios of Serverless Architecture

This article briefly explains the importance of Serverless architecture and discusses six application scenarios with examples.

Exploration and Practice of Proxyless Mesh for Spring Cloud Applications

This article uses a Demo to demonstrate how the SpringCloud application can support Proxyless Mesh without modifying any code when connected to the MSE service governance.

Accelerate Your Web Content with Alibaba Cloud Dynamic Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Alibaba Cloud Dynamic CDN, also known as Alibaba Cloud CDN, is a high-performance content delivery network service designed to optimize the delivery of dynamic web content.

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