
Microservices: How to Release New Versions under Heavy Traffic

This article introduces Alibaba Cloud microservices' end-to-end graceful release solution.

Application of the WASM Plug-in in End-to-End Canary Release

MSE provides a set of mature functions in the end-to-end canary release scenario of microservices and supports canary routing policies of content rules and percentage rules.

Zero-Trust Security Practice of Nacos

This article introduces how to ensure Nacos data security based on the concept of zero-trust security, covering common security risks, Nacos runtime p.

Access Redis by Using Higress Based on Custom Plug-ins

This article introduces Higress and describes how Redis plugins can be utilized for implementing sophisticated features such as rate limiting, caching, and session management.

Application Monitoring eBPF Edition: Non-intrusive Application Monitoring of the Golang Microservice

This article introduces the importance of monitoring microservices in modern software architecture, and highlights the eBPF edition of application monitoring.

Alibaba Group's Practice of Accelerating Large Model Training Based on Fluid

This article discusses the significant role of Fluid with JindoCache in the large-scale model training within Alibaba Group.

Evolution of Nacos in the Cloud-native Architecture

The article describes the evolution of Nacos and introduces Nacos Controller project as a bridge between Nacos and Kubernetes.

Upgrade Spring Boot Applications to Spring Cloud

This article outlines the process for upgrading a Spring Boot application to Spring Cloud, capitalizing on the microservice ecosystem of Spring Cloud.

Major Upgrades of Go Microservice Framework: A Preview of Apache Dubbo-go 3.2.0-alpha

This article is a preview of the Apache Dubbo-go 3.2.0-alpha version.

Official Release of IntelliJ IDEA and Apache Dubbo's IDEA Plug-in

This article introduces the release of the official IntelliJ IDEA plug-in for Apache Dubbo and highlights the benefits of the plug-in.

Use OpenKruise to Implement End-to-end Canary Release Based on Higress

This article describes how to use OpenKruise to build automated O&M.

Triple-based Implementation of Full Access to the Web Mobile Backend

This article introduces the Triple protocol and highlights the importance of service governance in microservices and how Dubbo brings governance capabilities to the Triple protocol.

Refined Cloud Native - Best Practices of Dubbo Kubernetes

This article explains how to initialize a project using Dubbo Starter, and deploy applications using cloud-native tools.

Best Practices of OpenSergo and Dubbo Microservices Governance

This article shares the implementation of microservice governance through OpenSergo and Dubbo, ensuring the stability of microservices.

Building Microservices Applications Based on Static Compilation

This article discusses how Java static compilation can address the issues of high cold start and runtime memory usage, enabling the development of more lightweight microservices applications.

The First Node.js 3.0-Alpha Version of Apache Dubbo Is Officially Released

This article introduces the Node.js 3.0-Alpha Version of Apache Dubbo and gives a complete example of Node.js microservice development.

Dubbo-js Alpha Version: Enabling Direct Access to Backend Microservices via Browsers

This article introduces the Dubbo-js alpha version, which supports the Dubbo3 protocol.

How to Select Open Source Microservices? Detailed Comparison of Spring Cloud, Dubbo, gRPC, and Istio

This article focuses on Dubbo and provides a detailed introduction to various framework products such as Spring Cloud, Dubbo, gRPC, and Istio.

Best Practices for Microservices: Achieve Interoperability Between Spring Cloud and Apache Dubbo

This article provides real project examples and code demonstrations to explain how to achieve interoperability between Apache Dubbo and Spring Cloud with minimal cost.

The Different Stages of Adopting a Cloud Network

In this blog, we will talk about the different stages of adopting a cloud network, and how Alibaba Cloud can help you throughout every stage through our networking services.