
Dikky Ryan Pratama

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Apa Itu Proxy Squid dan Bagaimana Cara Menginstalnya di Alibaba Cloud

Proxy Squid adalah perangkat lunak proxy caching untuk web yang mendukung protokol seperti HTTP, HTTPS, dan FTP.

Cara Memilih Server yang Pas untuk Kebutuhan Anda

Memilih server yang tepat adalah langkah krusial untuk memastikan kelancaran operasional bisnis atau proyek Anda.

Apa Saja Mekanisme Backup dan Bagaimana Memilihnya?

Backup adalah proses penting untuk melindungi data dari kehilangan akibat kerusakan perangkat keras, serangan malware, atau kesalahan manusia.

Mendeteksi Ancaman di Alibaba Cloud ECS

Keamanan adalah salah satu aspek terpenting dalam pengelolaan infrastruktur cloud, terutama di lingkungan komputasi seperti Elastic Compute Service (E...

Menggunakan Strategi Backup di Alibaba Cloud guna Mengatasi Ancaman Siber

Di era digital yang semakin maju, kejahatan siber menjadi ancaman serius bagi bisnis di seluruh dunia.

Mengoptimalkan Kinerja Aplikasi dengan Layanan CDN dari Alibaba Cloud

Dalam era digital yang semakin berkembang, kecepatan akses dan performa aplikasi telah menjadi komponen kunci dalam menentukan kualitas pengalaman pen...

5 Landasan Untuk Transformasi Digital

Cloud berperan sebagai fondasi utama dalam memulai transformasi digital global. E-book dari Alibaba Cloud, The Five Essential Tools for a Cloud-Driv...

How to Protect Your Wordpress Sites with Anti-DDoS Pro

This article discusses Anti-DDoS Pro, a security service offered by Alibaba Cloud that helps protect online applications and services from Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks.

What Is Virtual Private Cloud and How to Implement Virtual Private Cloud in Alibaba Cloud

This article explains Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), a virtual network environment that allows users to create isolated and customizable network resources within a public cloud infrastructure.

What Is SMS Gateway?

This article explains SMS Gateway, a technology that enables the sending and receiving of Short Message Service (SMS) messages between devices, systems, and applications.

What Is Jenkins?

This article provides an in-depth explanation of Jenkins, an open-source automation tool written in Java.

How to Secure Linux Server Using Snort NIDS ?

This article provides a step-by-step guide to securing a Linux server using Snort, an open-source Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS).

How to Protect Data with Features in Alibaba Cloud?

This article outlines various security features and best practices to protect data from attacks while using Alibaba Cloud.

What is Remote Code Execution (RCE)?

This article covers the basics of Remote Code Execution (RCE), a critical security vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on a target system remotely.

What Is Penetration Testing?

This article provides an introduction to penetration testing, a service that simulates full-scale, in-depth attacks to test your system security.

What Is Alibaba Cloud Academy Certification?

This article introduces the Alibaba Cloud Academy Certification program, covering various areas such as big data, security, and artificial intelligence.

Red Team vs Blue Team Defined

This article explores the concepts of Red Team and Blue Team in cybersecurity, describing their roles and activities in testing and improving an organization's security posture.

AngularJS vs ReactJS

This article compares AngularJS and ReactJS, two popular JavaScript frameworks used for web application development.

What Is DNS Spoofing and How to Avoid It?

This article introduces DNS spoofing, which is a malicious technique used by attackers to manipulate the DNS resolution process and redirect users to fraudulent websites.

What Is Alibaba Cloud Security?

This short article gives an overview of Alibaba Cloud Security.

Latest Comments

5247810744402664 Commented on What Are the Benefits of Joining a Alibaba Cloud Academy Membership?

The courses were very interesting and my team wanted to join in. My team accessing as RAM users, can they access the courses?

\\"> Commented on What is Cross-site Scripting and How Can You Fix it?


5658210956348350 Commented on What is Subnetting and How is it Calculated

If you are having trouble calculating the networking range or netmask ,Maximum Subnets ,Hosts per Subnet,Wildcard Mask and more this calculator:https://www.one-calculator.com/online-ip-subnet-calculator.html help you a lot :)

Kidd Ip Commented on Red Team vs Blue Team Defined

Thank you for the sharing, but seems not much Red Team focus on Microservices now

Rizwan Khan Commented on What Is SQL Injection Vulnerability and How to Avoid It?

Thank you for providing such detailed information about SQL injection vulnerabilities and preventive measures. It's evident that you have a deep understanding of the subject matter. Your suggestions for mitigating SQL injection risks through parameterized queries, input validation, the least privilege principle, character escaping, stored procedures, web application firewalls, regular security audits, and updates are all valuable recommendations.By implementing these strategies, web application developers can significantly reduce the risk of SQL injection attacks and enhance the overall security posture of their applications. It's essential to adopt a multi-layered defense approach and adhere to secure coding practices to safeguard against these vulnerabilities effectively.

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