In this series, we will highlight the technologies that help power the Double 11 Shopping Festival.
In this blog, we'll take a look at some of the coolest technology innovations from this year's action-packed Double 11 shopping festival.
This article reviews Alibaba Cloud's enterprise-level cloud-native data lake solution launched during the double 11 festival and discusses its key benefits.
In this article, Senior Technical Expert Yi Li shares his thoughts and observations on the trends and software architecture of cloud native.
This blog post shares 4 steps to help you evaluate the need for and the deployment strategy of large-scale containers.
This article gives a short overview of how cloud computing helped with some of the achievements during the 2020 Double 11 Global Shopping Festival.
This article gives a short overview of how cloud computing helped with some of the achievements during the 2020 Double 11 Global Shopping Festival.
In a recent report by CAICT, 66% of serverless users in China are using Alibaba Cloud serverless products, making it the preferred choice in the region.
Learn how Century Mart adopted a serverless architecture for its systems to ensure a successful Double 11 this year.
This year's Double 11 shattered multiple records, as millions of Chinese consumers flocked to homegrown and international brands.
With each order split into multiple database transactions, ensuring the scalability and elasticity of database systems was key to the success of the 2.
Alibaba Cloud is recognized as a Leader in the recent Q4 2020 "Public Cloud Development and Infrastructure Platform in China" report.
In this blog, Wang Shubin, Head of Alibaba Xianyu Architecture, shares the story of Xianyu and its relationship with cloud native.
This article gives an overview of the thoughts, experiences, and technologies of the Taobao Frontend Department (Taobao FED) during the 2020 Double 11.
This post briefly explains the core commercial AI system for Taobao and discusses how it has transformed the app into an "intelligent app".
In the recent CNCF Cloud Native Survey China 2019, Alibaba Cloud Function Compute topped the ranking for hosted serverless platform in China.
This article discusses how Alibaba's AI algorithm can help with quality inspection in various industries.
This article elaborates on Alibaba's super data centers, and the Hanghzou liquid-cooled data center, used during the 2020 Double 11 Global Shopping Festival.
This article discusses how Alibaba's AI algorithm can translate languages in real-time for livestreaming.
This article will introduce how to ensure high business availability through accurate bottleneck location and capacity assessment.
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