KubeVela is a modern software delivery platform that makes deploying and operating applications across hybrid, multi-cloud environments easier, faster and more reliable.
This blog explains the integration of Kubevela and ArgoCD using two different approaches.
This article mainly focus on how to use KubeVela's AI addon to help engineers complete model training and model serving more easily.
In this article, we will use KubeVela and Nocalhost to provide a solution for cloud debugging and multi-cluster hybrid cloud deployment.
This blog will show you how to use the backup_restore tool to import your existing Terraform cloud resources into KubeVela.
This article looks back into the starting points of KubeVela and gives a comprehensive introduction to the state of KubeVela in 2022.
This article focuses on KubeVela and OpenYurt and introduces the solution of cloud-edge collaboration in a practical Helm application delivery scenario.
In this article, we will introduce the main concepts of an addon and guides you to quickly start building one.
In this post, we will describe how this new feature of KubeVela is implemented and works, and the roadmap for this feature.
This article discusses the progress and updates in the newly released KubeVela 1.5.
This blog will introduce how to use CUE and KubeVela to build you own abstraction API to reduce the complexity of Kubernetes resources.
This article discusses a brief history of KubeVela and the latest release of KubeVela 1.4.
This article describes the steps of using KubeVela to deliver in GitOps mode.
This article discusses the release of KubeVela v1.2.
This article explains how KubeVela can make cloud application delivery easier.
This article will briefly explain how to make application auto scaling simple with KEDA and why Alibaba Cloud EDAS is fully standardized on KEDA.
This article discusses the release of KubeVela 1.1.
This article explains the authors' experiences using Argo CD and KubeVela to build a developer-centered continuous application delivery pipeline based on Alibaba Cloud use cases.
This article provides a detailed overview of the development of KubeVela, explains its core ideas and vision, and reveals its principles.
This post introduces the open source KubeVela project and explores the reasons why this project became so popular in the cloud native field.
This article is a summary of the live broadcast about Open-Source GO: KubeVela, covering design ideas, and usage methods of open-source projects.
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