
The Cloud and the New Normal in the Retail Industry

This short article discusses the cloud’s pivotal role in e-commerce since the beginning of the pandemic.

Using EasyDispatch to Enhance Accuracy and Time Efficiency for Service and Logistic Industries

This short article discusses the benefits of EasyDispatch.

Kopi Kenangan Mengatasi 5 Tantangan Bisnisnya dengan Alibaba Cloud!

Pelajari bagaimana Kopi Kenangan mengatasi berbagai tantangan untuk memberikan pengalaman O2O terbaik bagi pelanggannya.

The Future of Retail: Why Omnichannel Matters

Find out how retailers are leveraging the cloud for success in the "Global Industry Best practices on Alibaba Cloud for Retail and E-Commerce" white paper.

Five Steps for Traditional Retailers to Find Digital Success in the Cloud

Learn how Kopi Kenangan overcame various challenges to provide a seamless O2O experience for its customers.

Reinventing Your Business with New Retail Roadshow and Booth Solutions

This article will address how new retail methodology and technology can be applied to a retail booth, or pop-up store scenario.

Sorting GiST Indexes by Leveraging Nearest-neighbor Enhancement in PostgreSQL 9.1

This article discusses the nearest-neighbor enhancement added in PostgreSQL 9.1 for sorting GiST indexes with sample code and examines the performance using test data.

How to Code Complex Applications: Core Java Technology and Architecture

In this blog, we will introduce a set of methodologies to code complex applications, focusing on the retail industry.

Digitizing the In-Store Experience

Alibaba Cloud is helping traditional bricks and mortar retailers to bring digital transformation in-store.