API Gateway

API Gateway OpenID Connect Practice: SSO Made Simple

This article introduces the open source OIDC Wasm plugin in Higress through specific step-by-step examples, helping users achieve SSO (Single Sign-On) without writing any code.

FAQ: Alibaba Cloud API Gateway - Friday Blog, Week 61

In today's post, we look at some API Gateway questions that come up frequently during Alibaba Cloud training sessions.

An Introduction and Best Practice of DataWorks Data Services

Part 6 of this 10-part series introduces DataWorks data services and the best practices.

What Is an API

APIs allow businesses to connect internal and external resources, as well as augment service scenarios with partners, in order to grow new businesses and meet market demands.

Friday Blog - Week 32 - No-code APIs with DataService Studio

Learn how to quickly and easily deploy data-driven HTTP APIs from within DataWorks, without writing any code!

Systematic Solution for Android Native Memory Leak

This article describes how AMAP's technical team has developed a unique solution to address memory leak challenges in order to ensure the quality of their android app.

Maintaining Availability With Auto Scaling – Part 3

Part 3 of this 4-part article discusses Elastic Recovery with Auto Scaling, the Auto Scaling Workflow, and scaling modes.

Maintaining Availability With Auto Scaling – Part 2

Part 2 of this 4-part series introduces all the aspects of Auto Scaling, the benefits and features, and formulates a wider implementation strategy.

How To Improve Your Website’s Speed and Responsiveness with a Single Line of Code

Your website is your customer's first stop, so it must make a good impression. A slow-loading website can irritate customers and quickly make them exit your website.

Best Practices to Accelerate Delivery with CDN

This article uses Alibaba Cloud products to explain the best practices to accelerate content delivery.

Content Delivery Network – Part 2: Benefits and Features

Part 2 of this 6-part series discusses the benefits and features of Alibaba Cloud CDN.

Simplify Workloads with Cloud Resource Management: Resource Orchestration Service

This article explains the complete solution provided by Alibaba Cloud Resource Orchestration Service.

Excellence in Deliverance with Elastic Computing: Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service – Part 1

Part 1 of this series discusses the concepts of Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS), its features, benefits, and real-world usage scenarios.

Multi-Cloud Management and Best Practices in 2021

This article lists three prerequisites and seven best practices to help you understand Multi-Cloud management.

Collaboration Challenges – DevOps and Tools to Overcome

This article outlines some of the collaboration challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath and discusses which tools can help seamless collaboration.

Elastic Container Instance – A Serverless Marvel, Part 1: Agility at Its Best

This article discusses how Alibaba Cloud Elastic Container Instance (ECI) is revolutionizing fully-managed serverless architecture.

Microservices - What Is Loose Coupling?

This article discusses the importance of loose coupling between microservices and how to implement it in your architecture.

TeaDSL: A Multi-language SDK Solution for All API Gateways

This article explores the crucial challenges related to OpenAPIs and introduces a tailored solution, TeaDSL, a multi-language SDK solution for all API gateways.

The Cloud & APIs – A Synonymous Relationship on Alibaba Cloud

This article series about API Gateways begins with a discussion about APIs on the cloud.

API Gateway: Use-Case Scenarios & Industry Specific Modeling

This article discusses the different industry models used by the API Gateway Service and related use-case scenarios.