
Eliminate If-Else with Strategy Pattern | A Summary of the Smart-Auto Refactoring

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to apply the strategy pattern to simplify complex code.

How to Use the Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Business Code

This article provides a comprehensive guide as to CoR’s definition, benefits, suitable scenarios, practical examples, and detailed implementation steps to introduce how to use it within business code.

Development of Java Logging Part 1: Past and Present

By Shangzuo Preface Initially, I wrote this article to share my knowledge of Java logging with my team, as I often encountered irrational logging co.

Common Java Code Defects and Solutions

This article summarizes common code defects and solutions encountered in daily development to provide helpful insights.

Optimization on Memory Usage During Rust Cargo Code Compiling

This article provides a comprehensive guide on managing out-of-memory issues when compiling large projects with Rust's Cargo.

Developing and Deploying a Tensorflow Model Using PAI DSW and PAI EAS for a Custom Image Dataset

Our ultimate purpose is to mount this OSS image dataset to the DSW instance and enable the usage of the dataset the same way I used in the standalone .

Analyze How Velox Does Serialization From the Source Code

This article analyzes Velox's serialization and deserialization process from a source code perspective.

Get Started with WebAssembly in Five Minutes

This article introduces WebAssembly and gives a comprehensive description from theoretical introduction to practical application.

A Quick Start of React for Java Developers

This article mainly introduces three disruptive ideas from React.

OpenAnolis White Paper: Scheduler Hot Upgrade SDK in Agile Development Scenarios

This short article discusses the technical scheme, application scenarios, and performance benefits of Scheduler Hot Upgrade SDK.

The Art of Code Comments: Does Good Code Need Comments?

This article discusses code comments, including their importance, significance, and controversies.

Java Development Practices: Using Thread Pools and Thread Variables Properly

This article introduces the principles and usage practices of thread pools and thread variables and gives best practices to help developers build stable and efficient Java application services.

One Way to Solve Development Environment Problems: A Guide to Remote Container Development

This article explains some of the functions of the Remote Development plug-in, including environment preparation and installation.

What is DevSecOps?

This article provides an overview of DevSecOps, a software development approach that integrates security practices into every phase of the software development lifecycle.

Coroutine Made DPDK Development Easy

This article explains how DPDK dev became open-source and how its processes have developed since 2013.

Java Programming Skills: The Simplified Methods of Unit Test Cases

This article summarizes the simplified methods of more than ten kinds of test cases to promote Java unit tests and make it simpler when writing unit test cases.

The Invalid Unit Tests We Wrote

This article summarizes a set of methods and principles to avoid writing invalid unit test cases through daily unit test practice.

Code Smell - High Cyclomatic Complexity with Multi-Layer Nesting

This article introduces cyclomatic complexity and discusses good/bad code smells.

The Past and Present of JDK8 and JDK17 to the Future of JDK21

This article gives a retrospective review of JDK’s past while predicting JDK’s future.

How Does esModuleInterop Affect TSC?

This article explains how a specific configuration affects tsc compilation results based on the differences in specifications between CommonJS and ES Module.