
Structure of PostgreSQL RUM Index

This short article discusses the structure of the PostgreSQL RUM Index with additional info not provided in the ctid (row number) of GIN posting list|tree.

Store Operations Optimization: Search Acceleration over PostgreSQL Arrays, JSON and Internal Tag Data

This post describes performance optimization methods to improve store operations by accelerating equivalent and range searches over PostgreSQL Arrays, JSON and Internal Tag Data.

The RUM index and Full-Text Search Using PostgreSQL

The recent update of PostgreSQL 9.6 has made many enhancements in full-text search and has also brought us RUM plug-in support.

Optimizing Real-time Tagging on PostgreSQL

This article discusses several key optimization methods available for the tagging business scenario using PostgreSQL functions.

Accelerating PostgreSQL Ad Hoc Query and Dictionary with RUM Index

This article discusses how you can accelerate PostgreSQL ad hoc query and dictionary (random field combination) through RUM index acceleration.

Principles and Optimization of 5 PostgreSQL Indexes (btree,hash,gin,gist,and brin)

What are the different indexes of PostgreSQL for? How can we optimize our database with these indexes?