
PostgreSQL: How to Optimize Spatial Index-based Query Performance for Multipolygon Data

In this article, the author discusses optimizing spatial index-based query performance for multipolygon data in PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL: How to Determine the Positions of Overlapping Points and Planes in PostGIS

In this article, the author discusses overlapping points and planes and determining their actual positions from a visual perspective in PostGIS.

Spatial Search: Geometry and GiST Combination Outperforms Geohash and B-tree

In this article, we explore spatial search performance and describe when to use Geohash, geometry, and geography data types along with indexes such as GiST and B-tree.

PostgreSQL Best Practices: Selection and Optimization of PostGIS Spatial Indexes (GiST, BRIN, and R-tree)

This article discusses the index types supported by PostgreSQL and compares GiST and BRIN indexes' performance concerning spatial search requirements.

Sorting GiST Indexes by Leveraging Nearest-neighbor Enhancement in PostgreSQL 9.1

This article discusses the nearest-neighbor enhancement added in PostgreSQL 9.1 for sorting GiST indexes with sample code and examines the performance using test data.

Store Operations Optimization: Search Acceleration over PostgreSQL Arrays, JSON and Internal Tag Data

This post describes performance optimization methods to improve store operations by accelerating equivalent and range searches over PostgreSQL Arrays, JSON and Internal Tag Data.

Principles and Optimization of 5 PostgreSQL Indexes (btree,hash,gin,gist,and brin)

What are the different indexes of PostgreSQL for? How can we optimize our database with these indexes?